Boy Has The Power To Shapeshift So He Uses It To Date Sister

Movie: Simon’sGotAgift / LaDernièreVieDeSimon 2019

Simon is a unique orphan who has the power to copy someone’s exact appearance and condition as long as he has touched them. Longing for kinship, he befriends a boy with a perfect family, hoping to be part of them soon. But when a tragic accident makes his dreams a reality, he abandons his true self and lives a fraudulent life in secret to avoid hurting the only family he has come to know.

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24 thoughts on “Boy Has The Power To Shapeshift So He Uses It To Date Sister”

  1. This should have stayed a one-sided romance, with the same ending. Having the girl magically re-realize her feelings (from when she was literally just a child with a small crush on a boy she'd known for a couple of days) after such a GIGANTIC deception makes no sense. Resentment and grief over having to experience the loss of her "real" brother, and confusion over the sibling bond she had now created with Simon would have drowned out any feelings of romance or sexual desire. I would have preferred if those twisted emotions remained for her, but Simon still came forward to make the sacrifice anyway.

  2. Unpopular opinion: the girl is a horrible person and she has no right to hate or resent Simon at all…in the end he literally killed himself for her after spending years pretending to be Thomas so her parents won't grief..

  3. Thomas Nelson publica desde el 2011 un Nuevo Testamento Interlineal Griego-Español traducido por el Dr. César Vidal.
    El texto base es el Texto Griego Mayoritario/Bizantino con traducción propia del Dr. Vidal, palabra por palabra y con el texto de la Reina-Valera 1909 en columnas paralelas.
    También contiene notas a pie de página, apéndice y una introducción bastante amplia.

  4. I read an SF story with a similar base plot about 50 years ago. Alien boy masquerading as a human is adopted by a family with a daughter. The neighbor boy tricks them into getting naked with him and eventually molests the girl. When her family finds out she was molested they blame the alien boy, forcing him to escape and shapeshift to hide. It isn't an exact fit but it's close. It's been so long I can't remember the title or author and couldn't find it in Google search.

  5. So he accidentally got his friend killed then took over his life, why? 😢 I mean I get why, family. He’s an orphan after all.

    And there’s a big 🍑 crater behind the home that no one noticed?!

  6. He was just a kid, but even he could've understood a parents pain of losing a child that was their son instead of a child they called a friend. All Simon tried to do was spare them of such a pain.


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