Boy Curse forces him to ask pervy stuff & create a Harem

Genre:- Comedy , Harem

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For Kanade, life as a high schooler should have been normal, and it would have been—if he wasn’t living with the most ridiculous curse imaginable. “Absolute Choice,” a system forced upon him by a self-proclaimed god, randomly presents a mental selection of actions that he must act out based on his choice. To add to his dilemma, it tends to occur in the most public of places, and his options never seem to deviate from the rude and crude in nature.

Comedy anime recap episode 1 fu English dub dubbed


20 thoughts on “Boy Curse forces him to ask pervy stuff & create a Harem”

  1. This poor dude is forced into doing things he doesn't want to do because god thought it was funny, I mean Jesus Christ, Imagine if your placed in a situation and you get two options to either shit yourself or say your gay in front of a girl you like, like damn.


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