Boxi 's DPC struggles and why he's going to win TI

He’s had a long road already but won’t stop until TI. These are the Origins and the future of our star support – Boxi.

Liquid+ Checkin –

Presented by Alienware.

#teamliquid #dota2 #boxi


27 thoughts on “Boxi 's DPC struggles and why he's going to win TI”

  1. As an old (nth)Alliance fanboy, I remember the game when they faced EGM (turtlemasters I think) and basically dropped E.E for him after that.
    EGM during that era was one of the players I enjoyed watching the most and got kinda sad that he got dropped.
    And with the new(old) Alliance roaster you guys came in and I started to enjoy watching again.

    I see a lot of game decisions Boxi makes and relate to them, almost as I can see how it would be if I went pro myself back in the dotaleage/hon days.

    Du är en krigare mannen, om du bemästrar ditt tålamod kommer allting på plats för TI : ]

  2. I spent the better part of a year playing pubs in the pro mmr bracket and Boxi is without a doubt the best pro I have ever played with. Changed my perspective of him big time, dude's a world class player

  3. I also lost my dad that year.
    I feel his passion to pursue the dream for one who always supported him.
    Really wish u get this one. she'll always be there and see that man.
    Let's go liquid!

  4. I have been a huge fan of this team since they were on Alliance and I really loved this information. I knew that Boxi was never a problem for this team to win, but all of this context makes everything that happened in the past make much more sense.

    BOXI, Make sure to take care of yourself first before worrying about anything else! You keep going buddy this TI if your body feel good. The perfect end to this year is smashing TI and showing everyone else why you guys were so consistently great in 2023!

  5. Thank you @Team Liquid Dota for making this content , I'm on my tears watching this.
    This is a good eye opener for everyone that has been judging Boxi's performance when he's been dealing with a lot of personal struggle that we don't know. Thank you Boxi for sharing your story and giving some insights about your personal life. I know that all of your sacrifices will paid of someday. I hope you get better ! Take care of yourself.
    Win or lose I will be your avid fan and whole Team Liquid Dota. Good luck at TI! 💙

  6. Love you BOXI! You are one of the best and your gaming gives so much inspiration to all of us, amateurs and pros alike, to keep enjoying this beautiful game! STAY well and SLAY well! Cheers and all the best for TI! You're gonna shine!

  7. EXCELLENT production! So happy to see liquid putting something like this out.

    Man, so sad to see any family going thru what Boxi’s is going thru. Much love and light to his him and his family, and best of luck to liquid at TI.


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