Bowling Green EF3 – The Forgotten Nightmare

On the evening of December 10th, 2021 a tornado outbreak would devastate the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys. By 10:30pm A devastating EF4 tornado has been on the ground for nearly 100 miles, destroying everything in its path and obliterating the town of Dawson Springs Kentucky, however today is not that story. The tornadoes associated with the Quad State Supercell deservedly get a lot of attention, however, the December 10 2021 tornado outbreak was much more than just the quad state supercell. Just to the south the ongoing Western Kentucky Tornado, the same potent atmosphere is coming together with deadly precision to unleash another family of devastating tornadoes. This is their story..

This video explores the story of the Bowling Green Tornado that occurred on Dec 10-11th 2021.

EF Scale explanation:
EF0 Light Damage (65-85mph)
EF1 Moderate Damage (86-110mph)
EF2 Considerable Damage (111-135mph)
EF3 Severe Damage (136-165mph)
EF4 Devastating Damage (166-200mph)
EF5 Incredible Damage (201mph+)



Contact Celton Henderson at [email protected] for licensing inquiries.


44 thoughts on “Bowling Green EF3 – The Forgotten Nightmare”

  1. Amazing documentary on this event. There was also some F3’s in Illinois that hit the Amazon plant and one around the St Louis area. Will you be doing more about that night ?

  2. I'm not convinced it actually weakened when it was in rural areas like your narration suggests. Less damage = Lower EF rating. That doesn't mean the tornado weakened. It just means that it wasn't hitting as much stuff. If more structures had been in it's path, I'm betting the rating would have been higher in certain areas.

  3. jesus- the same supercell dropping three ef3 tornadoes in a row- one of which carving a path over 100 miles long. all of this happening at the peak of tornado season would be incredibly unusual, but to happen in december is mind boggling. thank you for these videos, man

  4. There's an F5 tornado from April 3, 1974 that has virtually no recognition. It came from the same supercell that hit Xenia, Ohio. It was the first tornado from that storm. A mile-wide wedge F5 that caused several fatalities, yet no one knows anything about it. It touched down in Perry County, Indiana. The storm just to it's south got a lot of publicity for hitting Brandenburg Kentucky, but our storm got practically nothing. That's just how it goes.

  5. I don't live in the area anymore, but my family does. I was very pregnant and insomniac that night, and as a result, I stayed up to keep in contact with my mom and watch the storms. As the night wore on, I noticed the trajectory of this storm and that it could easily hit either my parents' or my grandparents' home. My mom was torn between staying home and going to get my grandparents, who wouldn't likely be able to get down to my parents' basement even if she got them to her home in time. I didn't realize how fast the storm was moving, and when it was in the next county over, realized it was heading toward my grandparents' town, thought they would be in bed and a call wouldn't wake them, and that it would be about fifteen minutes before it would be in their town. No point in staying up worrying. I went and lay down for about five minutes, and when I checked radar again, it had already moved past. My mom had some difficulty getting through to my grandparents the next morning, but did succeed. They were fine, their home untouched, but the tornado had passed within, I think, three miles of their home. This would be the second strong tornado to pass within a few miles of them, the first being during the Super Outbreak of 1974.

  6. this is the 2nd video I've seen where tornados weaken and then strengthen right before entering a town.. I think this is just because of how they're rated based off damage, less things to damage in fields.

  7. I used to live in Bowling Green. I moved away in Spring 2021. One of my best friends still lives there and was nearly hit. The paths the tornadoes took were where I spent a lot of time during my five years there. Before moving away, I was living on the west side of Bowling Green, so hearing there was a nasty storm in progress sent chills down my spine. Several old co-workers of mine were spared damage, but I know one that was affected. Thankfully she's alright.

    I'm fascinated by tornadoes, but having one come through so close to where you used to be is just… It's wild.

  8. from Spencer County we actually got one EF1 from one of them Supercells it could of got bad but that wasnt the case it was SE of Mount Washington KY

  9. Hi Celton. I just followed your Twitter page. My page is I-65 Weather. I have to admit that your documentary and analysis of this Mesocyclone is spot on and we’ll crafted. It was a meteorologist nightmare as that storm formed that new Meso at the worse place at worse time. Many thought this city was protected by a “bubble” but due to the topography, the storm developed in the right area as US 68-80 has a ridge on N side and flat open field on S side of road. Would it be possible for me to share this video on my page? I will credit you as the source. Thanks and keep up the great work.

  10. In difficult times and health problems.
    A century old prayer

    Eternal Father
    Thy Mercy is Endless,
    Thy Compassion Inexhaustible,
    Look kindly upon us and increase our trust in Thee,
    And pour out Thy Mercy and Love on us,
    That in difficult moments we may not despair, nor become despondent,
    But with great confidence entrust ourselves to Thy Love and Mercy.

  11. Living in the area but not be hit was an experience, I was not able to go the Bowling Green to help with relief but I and the time to go to Dawson Springs, after the Quad super cell and good christ mother nature is dangerous

  12. I saw the tornado before it hit our building, the only way you could see it was when lightning lit it up. I also saw strange lightning, lightning that radiated horizontally from a central point, looked like an octopus. To this day I haven't found an explanation for that.

  13. I was living in bowling green at the time! I remember watching that news feed pan to where my apartment complex is and then the power went out. I was also working at the NCM track and we had just opened the Christmas lights! There was tornado damage within 1/4 mile of where I was staying

  14. Well done great job on the video you don’t hear alot about the bowling green tornado 🌪️ im glad you done a video on it everyone in the effected areas that lost loved ones and all of there belongs deserve the story to be told I know my family has a whole new outlook on severe weather and tornadoes. We have a storm shelter now, so we will never have to bury another child due to a tornado 😢😢😢😢

  15. That storm was absolutely surreal. Only a half mile from it. In the midst of the outbreak, I’ve called this the “forgotten tornado” of December 10-11th. I also have a video of the tornado as it tore through.

  16. Great Documentary Celton! Think you could explain how you do your documentaries?
    What app do you use for the damage path that is on the left side of the screen?
    And how do you get all of that video footage without you having to?

  17. Some Midwestern and Southern states have secured federal and state funds to upgrade school gymnasiums to a community tornado shelter that can withstand up to an EF-5 tornado and hold hundreds of people. I strongly believe that more towns in tornado prone areas need to secure the funding for community tornado shelters in schools. Unfortunately, not everyone has a home with a basement, or can afford to build a storm shelter in their home. More community tornado shelters can save more lives!

  18. I remember when this all happened last year, I lived about 2 miles away from the damage off Scottsville rd. My baby cousins remember watching their roof be ripped off there house before clinging on the bedframes. Me and my family spent the rest of the week helping our friends and loved ones. I'm still shaken up from the family businesses destroyed and people killed. Ty for letting this event gain more attention and letting people care about our community and help

  19. Was the EF-4 rated tornado on the ground continuously for 100 miles? The NWS report states that the storm did cycle as it reached the Kentucky border, and this was verified via storm chaser video(s) & observation(s). It is correct to speak of the 'Quad State Supercell', but it was NOT a quad state tornado…there were two separate tornadoes spawned by the one supercell.

  20. I was on the outer edge of the Russellville/Logan County tornado. Our home only sustained minor damage. We were lucky. However, some of my friends and family were not. Although it’s been a year, we are nowhere near back to where we were. However, we are getting closer one step at a time. One of my good friends was finally able to find a new house just a few weeks ago. And another finally got around to tearing down what was left of their house. I’ll never forget the outpouring of support the communities gave us and the support we were able to give to all those in Bowling Green who lost loved ones. Thank you for this wonderful video, it was very informative and well-made. ❤️

  21. that cant b the only well i no for 100% its not i was there that night i have video of the twister in i think it actullay made it to ef4 status but you did a damn good job of telling the story thats the worst twister ive ever been through an that makes #5 ive been through


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