Boris Johnson Prophecy

On 5/5/2020, the first of multiple Prophetic Words from The Lord was given through Robin D. Bullock calling the name of Boris Johnson.

Prophecy Clip –
S8 #9 5/5/2020
S11 #11 2/2/2021
S12 #3 3/2/2021
S13 #4 6/1/2021
S17 #10 6/28/2022

CBS New York Clip –

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48 thoughts on “Boris Johnson Prophecy”

  1. Thank you, Father, for your Mercy and Grace! Even yet . . . I pray for Boris because of the prayers of righteous ancestors in Heaven and for the Purpose God had placed on his life to yet be fulfilled, and to deny satan the ability to steel it from God Almighty! Choose LIFE, Boris! In JESUS' name!

  2. Interesting, God gave Boris Johnson time for his lies not to put him out of power but let the former guy loose the election, in part, because he is a serial liar!!!!

  3. God bless you, Pastor Bullock. Father God said I want you to make sure you put that up, that Trump news. Let them know it will get better.

    Message From God About President Donald J. Trump from 5/27 REMEMBER, WE HAVE THE VICTORY!

    Father God said "Keep saying they will see good news soon. Let them know they will see good news soon. There will be cheering and laughter in the streets when they see what I do. Keep singing to Me. Keep being obedient to Me. Praise God for My good report. Let them know they will see help with Donald Trump soon. Donald J. Trump. Let them know surprises are in store. Surprise victories that they might not be aware of. They will see so much in June. Tell them it's before Me. Tell them I am the God who will not fail. I will not fail. I am the God of My promises. Keep calling on Me and trusting in Me for what you need. I want you to get excited. Tell them so many surprises are in store. Make up your mind about Him. Let them know they will see My judgment soon. They will see victory soon. They will see help soon. They might have to declare martial law when they see what I do. Keep calling on Me. My sudden judgment is coming soon. Keep singing to Me about Donald Trump. Keep being obedient to Me about Him. Many surprises are in store. Keep singing to Me. Keep calling on Me for him. Many don't see it yet but in trying to come against him and in trying to come against you, they're going to receive My wrath. They're going to receive a bad report. Let them know I am not playing. Let them know I am the God who is not playing. Keep telling them to prepare for Me because My sudden judgment is coming. Wait and see how I use Donald J. Trump. Wait and see how I restore him, how they have what they need."

  4. As a born and bred English woman, I had hope in Boris for a time, right up until he married that satanist witch. Things have gone downhill from there. Thanking God for removing him from office!!f Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus! Love and prayers to all the Bullock family.

  5. Hey Robin, its because of trump i started believing in god again, something with his exact age on the day he became president; and his birthday in corolation with an israel prophecy in the bible, this knowledge was the trigger for me, and also,…Hey Robin, i play the guitar as well, maybe we will meet on some stage on this planet one day

  6. He was called, I remember the Lord high lighting him to me before he was announced the PM. I can see that he drank the baal Kool-aid though, and was given many warnings from the Lord. I do hope he ends up repenting for his sins

  7. Nehemiah 5 concerns people with big families being penalized…depopulation was planned since Noah 9, also blood-letting "cures" for the accidents & illnesses Satan causes. It's all a set-up to always oppose whatever God decrees…

  8. On the 28th of June the horrible Roe vs Wade decision was overturned, & we have been rejoicing ever since! God defend New Zealand since they still kill babies here!

  9. You people will believe anything, If someone says God said it. Without looking into scripture itself…. why is that ? Because that would require you to read for yourself, oh buy the way Didn't know this dudes God broke into song when he spoke.
    Unbelievable….. imagine if you can, standing in Heaven and Jesus is talking and then all of a sudden sings his words at times, would that not be odd, Him saying I am the way the truth and the life, in singing at parts😀 NOW let them unlearned and uneducated in scripture speak for God in there wisdom….Now. LOL

  10. The Satanist PIGS and Luciferin Elites Obama,  Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, Schumer Have Fallen….The Anointed President Donald Trump is Back…

    Hallelujah…From – Samuel Machado, the Warrior in Christ

  11. Did not Robbie prophecy that Trump would be in office? ….. what you are seeing here is NOT prophecy people …this is not how Jesus speaks to his people …don't follow anyone who receives money for their prophecies or sells you merchandize …no books … no cd's …no dvd's …. no "paid speaking engagements" ….find a prophet that does not enrich themselves in any way …God will lead you …have no fear

  12. Blessings from HOMETOWN_STORYS and many endless prayers for Protection over you and your family 👪 blessed are those who come in the name of God !!!! Thank you for sharing God's words and revealing mysterys of heaven love you brother ❤️



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