Boring Hazmat become a Hazzy

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42 thoughts on “Boring Hazmat become a Hazzy”

  1. olitical information
    Type of faction / organization
    Universal Union (de jure)
    Hegemony (de facto)
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Societal information
    Capital / Headquarters
    Combine Overworld
    See Combine weapons
    See Combine technology
    See Combine Vehicles
    Humans (formerly; some remain)
    Vortigaunt (formerly)
    The Nihilanth's species
    Race X
    Countless others
    Seven Hour War
    The Uprising
    Game information
    Designed by
    Viktor Antonov (technology and architecture)
    Ted Backman (Synths and humanoid units)
    Dhabih Eng (early technology and architecture, Synths and humanoid units)[1]
    Marc Laidlaw (story)
    Entity name

    "In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars."
    ― Wallace Breen[src]

    The Combine is a vast and powerful interdimensional hegemony which subjugated Earth during the Seven Hour War. Describing itself as a universal union, the Combine is comprised of many enslaved species, spanning multiple universes in the Multiverse with countless enslaved worlds under its control.

    1 Overview
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Combine teleportation
    2 Combine on Earth
    2.1 Seven Hours War
    2.1.1 Combine Occupation
    2.2 Mind control
    2.2.1 Water supply
    2.2.2 Breencasts
    2.2.3 Memory replacement
    2.3 Human genocide
    2.3.1 Killings
    2.3.2 Suppression field
    2.4 Depletion of Earth's resources
    2.5 Propaganda
    2.5.1 Imagery
    2.5.2 Breencast
    3 Combine military technology
    3.1 Combine Overwatch
    3.2 Combine Synth
    3.3 Combine Combat Technology
    4 Combine Architecture
    5 Behind the scenes
    6 Trivia
    7 List of appearances
    8 References

    Combine Advisor Ep2
    A Combine Advisor.
    The Combine is an unfathomably massive alien empire spanning countless parallel universes and dimensions, comprised of an unknown (but presumably vast) number of allied and enslaved species. Little is known about the Combine's ultimate goals beyond imperialistically enslaving and subjugating worlds, but it can be assumed its main ambition is to assimilate all life across the Multiverse.

    Details of the Combine's leadership and administrative structure remain unknown, as do whether they consist of an economy, system of governance or even a society that exists within the limits of human comprehension. On Earth, beings called the Advisors are responsible for overseeing all communication and interaction between the Combine and the Earthly occupation, as well as ruling all Combine forces on earth through Dr. Wallace Breen, a puppet who serves as the appointed 'Administrator' and humanity's representative to the Combine.

    The Combine is composed of an untold number of species, with entire alien ecosystems under its dominion. They seem to only assimilate intelligent species from the worlds they conquer, and manipulate these species through many means, including bioengineering and invasive surgery, as well as artificial implantation, incorporating them into the Combine. The results of the Combine's re-engineering process are "synths" — synthetic organisms augmented with Combine technology that serve a variety of functions within the empire, from weapons of war to mindless worker drones.

    On Earth, the Combine notably uses their technology to create armies of cybernetically-enhanced transhuman soldiers forcibly conscripted from the enslaved human population, comprising the bulk of the Earth-based Combine Overwatch – a highly mobile and adaptive military force that can respond to any threat and crush any opposition.

    Overwatch Soldiers have been surgically altered to be overall much deadlier and more resilient than normal human beings. They are also highly trained, and can adapt well beyond the confines of Earth, in other universes and dimensions if needed – in-game dialogue mentions potential deployment of Overwatch units across the Combine Empire in a "permanent off-world assignment." Assignment on other worlds is considered a terrible fate for Overwatch soldiers unfortunate enough to be stuck with it, and is often threatened as a punishment for soldiers who fail in their duties. Equally dire is the threat of "permanent off-world relocation" directed towards normal citizens for disobedience or disruption to the Combine regime. Judging by dialogue from Breen, many of the territories under control by the Combine are nigh-uninhabitable by humans without life support systems.[2]

    Vocal stress is on the first syllable. The name is pronounced COM-bine, as in Combine harvester, opposed to the verb form com-BINE, as in "to join together or unite." Dr. Breen refers to the Combine Soldiers and Civil Protection as "The Transhuman Arm of the Combine Overwatch" [3] in Nova Prospekt, implying that "Combine" is an accepted name of the empire, even by the Combine itself.

    It is unknown exactly how many worlds the Combine has under its control, but being an extradimensional empire, they most definitely possess a great number of universes and dimensions. It is known that the Combine invaded the homeworld of the Nihilanth's species and inflicted a total genocide against them, with only the Nihilanth able to escape the onslaught by seeking refuge in Xen.[4] It brought with it members of several species, both its allies and its slaves, including the Vortigaunts.[4][5]

    Following the Black Mesa Incident and subsequent Seven Hour War, Earth became the Combine's most recent (known) annexation. Following standard Combine procedure, Earth's dominant species were modified to form a new arm of the Combine military, and the planet's resources were systematically stripped.

  2. You can not make me put on a fur suit i will put up a god dam fight…and i mean not a struggle i mean with an m249 saw with 30 grenades straped to my chest

  3. It's all fun and games until when you suddenly hear this:

    "Mobile Task Force unit Beta-7 designated "Maz Hatters" have landed on helipad C as well as MTF unit Delta-7 designated "Cloud 9", Beta-7 has been dispatched to this site to assist the recontainment of several biohazardous SPCs. We advise all personnel to find a safe area away from the others and if possible please cover your nose and mouth with a face mask. MTF unit Delta-7 will begin evac efforts after all biohazardous SCPs have been recontained."

  4. Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense (CBRN defence) or NBC protection are protective measures taken in situations in which chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (including terrorism) hazards may be present. CBRN defence consists of CBRN passive protection, contamination avoidance, and weapons of mass destruction mitigation.

    Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) disposal technicians taking part in a training exercise.
    A CBRN incident differs from a hazardous material incident in both scope (i.e., CBRN can be a mass casualty situation) and intent. CBRN incidents are responded to under the assumption that they are intentional and malicious; evidence preservation and perpetrator apprehension are of greater concern than with Hazmat team incidents.

    A 2011 forecast concluded that worldwide government spending on CBRN defence products and services would reach US$8.38bn that year.[1]

    In English the term CBRN is a replacement for the 1960s–1980s term NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical), which had replaced the term ABC (atomic, biological, and chemical) that was used in the 1950s. The addition of the R (for radiological) is a consequence of the "new" threat of a radiological weapon (also known as "dirty bombs"). In the 2000s, the term CBRNe was introduced as an extension of CBRN – the e in this term representing the enhanced (improvised) explosives threat.[2]

    In Spanish the term NRBQ (Nuclear, Radiológico, Bacteriológico y Químico) has replaced NBQ.[citation needed]

    By country or region
    Brazilian Marine Corps training for CBRN defense.
    Brazilian Marine Corps training for CBRN defense.

    Brazilian troops prepared for biological warfare.
    Brazilian troops prepared for biological warfare.

    Special Forces training for chemical warfare.
    Special Forces training for chemical warfare.

    Brazilian firefighters are trained for NBC situations. During the 2016 Summer Olympics, police forces like the GATE from Minas Gerais, the Federal Police, and the National Public Security Force were prepared.[3]

    In the military, there is CBRN equipment and personnel in all branches of the Armed Forces. The Brazilian Army has two specific teams: the 1st Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Battalion, which is based at Rio de Janeiro and is responsible for decontaminating military equipment, weapons, and personnel,[4] and the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Company, based at Goiânia and part of the Brazilian Special Operations Command, that makes the decontamination and defense in CBRN situations.[5] The Brazilian Presidential Guard and Army Police also have CBRN units.[4][6]

    The Brazilian Marine Corps has the CDefNBQR (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Center)[7][8][9] that controls the ARAMAR Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Battalion, at Iperó, São Paulo, conceived to provide physical security and to perform CBRN emergencies control actions at the Centro Experimental Aramar, responsible for developing Brazilian Navy nuclear researches;[10] the Itaguaí Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Battalion, at Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, which is to be the host of the first Brazilian Navy nuclear-powered submarine; and the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Company, at Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro.[11] The Air Force is making special teams for transporting victims from CBRN attacks/accidents.[12]


    Toronto firefighters don CBRN suits at a HAZMAT incident
    The term CBRN is in common use in disaster and emergency services organizations across the country.[13] Since July 2005, the Canadian Armed Forces also started using the term CBRN Defence, instead of NBC Defence, due to the increased threat of dirty bomb use (which is radiological in nature). CBRNE is a new term that is being used in both civilian and military organizations. The Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit is a Canadian Forces unit, under the direction of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, charged with supporting "the Government of Canada in order to prevent, control and mitigate CBRN threats to Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests."[14]

    All members of the Canadian Armed Forces are trained in CBRNE defense, and maintain minimum standards, tested at least every three years.

    At the provincial level, cities are provided opportunities for their emergency services with CBRN training. In Ontario, emergency services in Windsor, Peterborough, Toronto, and Ottawa have obtained CBRN standing at NFPA Standard 472 Awareness Level 3.[15]

    European Union
    In mid-July 2016, the European Parliament negotiated a new draft counterterrorism directive aimed at protecting Europe's people from biological, chemical and other attacks. The timeline of the directive is illustrated in the following table:[16]

    Date or target date Action
    4 July 2016 The European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee approved amendments to its directive counter-terrorism.
    14 July 2016 Negotiations began. Monika Hohlmeier, the chief negotiator for the European Parliament, is charged with negotiating the final text of the directive with the European Council (heads of state for all 28 European Union countries). The European Commission will serve as a facilitator in the negotiations.
    Autumn 2016 Negotiations expected to be concluded.
    The directive would criminalize:[16]

    Certain acts related to preparing for a terrorist attack, such as traveling abroad to meet with a terrorist group
    Training to make explosives, firearms, and other dangerous substances
    Public incitement or praise for terrorism and financing of terrorism
    The directive also includes text to help victims of terror attacks.[16]


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