Border Patrol Detainment Aftermath

#PedoLibreAudits # PLA #LibreAudits #Pedo Libre Audits #pedro libre #crybabies #manbabies #filmeverything #manbabies #freeeducation #firstamendment #freedom #darren #karen #entitled #battery #standyourground #policeaccountabilityspecialist #LAPD
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26 thoughts on “Border Patrol Detainment Aftermath”

  1. 500BC barbaric medieval tyrants still exist enforcing medieval policies in 2023….medieval tyrants never die..why that is ¿ (twilight*zone)… lol
    Thanx4exposing medieval tyrants….MorePower2U. ✌

  2. Damn that need to go to the government and president office some how the news to see how they are treating people get you a lawyer what was the physical force for

  3. PLA The thing that amazes me the most is how many public employees step out of their house and do not even know who they work for and how their job is funded. I have seen this time and time again on many video's . How can they perform any job being that ignorant, let alone know the Constitution. I am not discounting all the other aspects of what you went through , I think all aspects of training should start with #1 "YOU WORK FOR THE PUBLIC were are funded by the public does anyone not understand this" #2 You must learn the constitution and remember it . #3 Then start the training for the position they hired for, Thank You PLA

  4. A 20 minute commercial/ad of a lunatic B raving about something I can't figure out. Guess I'll make an ad about Martian's abducting my dog and changing her into a horse… How f'ing stupid…

  5. The Border patrols deal with dangerous people from all race everyday. Just because they work for us don’t mean to be treated like shit. Having attitude, being disrespectful all for your rights? I get you, you have rights but ro prevent none sense, manners is what they look at. They ask if your speak English or having anything illegal .. they are doing there job and giving them a hard time all for “rights” .. The situation becomes more difficult.. you keep complaining how they took your phone, stop you from leaving, being disrespectful. Remember if they would let you go, what is the rest that you were bringing to the United States? They don’t know you I’m sure they know about the constitution but they have to do their job to keep this country safe. By saying that you don’t answer questions, you are asking for more delays and yet when there is a delay you become ”bossy” .. The hypocrisy is that you focus on how they treat you yet you are causing the difficult security check.. Do you think it’s funny giving them a hard time then maybe They purposely detain you.
    Border patrols are not cops and they are not an employee from the drive-through restaurant.. you really need to review your cause and effects in a situation.. take responsibility for your actions and not blame Them doing their job..


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