Bookshelf DIY's….WEIRD ones | Powerpuff Girls, Finding Nemo, and Fantasia Gloriousness

COLLAB TIME BABY! So I got a couple of fun DIY projects for your bookshelf, if your interested. They are all cartoon based, and not booked based at all, but let’s just ignore that! If you are looking for something kooky for your shelves, well then this might just be the video for you.

The amazing @happily_ever_april asked me if I wanted to do some DIY’s with her as she made her brand new bookshelves (WHICH YOU SHOULD GO CHECK OUT!!!! They are so GOOD!)

But she brings the cohesive, sophistication projects to the table, while I bring just absolute chaos…you’re welcome.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, and if you make anything inspired off of my projects….DM or @ me on Instagram. Here is my contacts:


[email protected]

381 Chandler St.
PO Box 20815
Worcester, MA 01602


The Hideaway Discord

00:00 – Start
04:01 – Project Prep
05:59 – Him from Power Puff Girls
10:31 – Fantasia Annotation Box
12:08 – Darla Squishy from Finding Nemo

#bookshelves #diyprojects #booktube #cartoonart #bookshelf

00:00 – Start
04:01 – Project Prep
05:59 – Him from Power Puff Girls
10:31 – Fantasia Annotation Box
12:08 – Darla Squishy from Finding Nemo


17 thoughts on “Bookshelf DIY's….WEIRD ones | Powerpuff Girls, Finding Nemo, and Fantasia Gloriousness”

  1. OMG these are so amazing! You're so talented. I love the Power Puff Girls. When my husband and I are arguing I call him Mojo Jojo because he repeats himself 3 different ways to try and make a point lol


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