Bonespectre – No Totem Self-Poison Boneshatter Slayer with Spectres [PoE 3.23]


00:00 Bonespectre Overview
17:50 Map
22:25 Elder
25:18 Uber Elder
29:05 Failing Sirus’ Skill Check and Blaming My Spectres (corrupting blood immunity is overrated lmao)



5 thoughts on “Bonespectre – No Totem Self-Poison Boneshatter Slayer with Spectres [PoE 3.23]”

  1. Cool idea of using all minions to get buffed up and create more space for other auras, i realy like that creativity. Although i might say am not fun of having to buy them again and again if they die. May i ask how does multistrike feels does it gives dmg? Sometimes with mellee build having multistrike makes you stay in place and can't dodge stuff

  2. i was trying to fit minions into my build but i eventually gave up and just went with the standard dark marionette for one free aura 😂 it is insanely cool tech though for those can get them to survive


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