BONELAB Everything you need to know – Bonelab Review, Tricks, Tips and Walkthrough

Today we have everything you need to know about Bonelab. A Bonelab review for Quest 2 and PCVR, Bonelab VS Boneworks, Quest VS PC plus Bonelab getting started tips and a Bonelab Walkthrough

Intro 00:00
Bonelab VS Boneworks 00:50
Breaks the VR Mold 01:55
Revolutionary? 02:24
Quest VS PC 03:08
The Review Starts 04:12
Gameplay Length 5:05
Extra gameplay modes 05:56
The Issues 06:30
The Verdict and Review Score 07:20
Getting Started Tips 08:23
Calibration 08:43
Motion Sickness 09:02
ClimbingLeg Control 09:24
Unlockables 09:49
Bounce Pads 10:09
Head crabs 10:36
You are always armed 10:55
Feeling Lost? 11:14
Embrace the Jank 11:27
The Walkthrough Begins (SOME SPOILERS!) 11:50
How to Unlock the Campaign – Level 2 12:08
Rubber Stopper – Level 2 12:53
Button Door – Level 2 13:35
Physics Puzzle – Level 3 13:55
Motion Sickness hack – Level 4 14:30
Elevator – Level 5 14:45
General Tips Leve 6-11 14:58
The Run Button Puzzle Level 7 15:15
The Moon Level 9 – 15:30
Motion Sickness Hack – Level 10 15:45
Final notes 16:15

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37 thoughts on “BONELAB Everything you need to know – Bonelab Review, Tricks, Tips and Walkthrough”

  1. I'm stuck on the pillar level, because I have no ammo and can't reach the orb with the sword that is provided towards the top. How do I get additional ammo? There isn't any available in the level itself.

  2. Thank you. I was so confused at first, especially since I never played the first one. Your spoiler-free hints are great.

    One question: in the lab there's an avatar with menus in its hands and it seems to be some kind of build mode. What's that about?

  3. Love the game, hate the fact it doesn't have multiplayer and that the driving is complete ASS. Literally feels like driving with a keyboard in VR somehow. Absolutely awful, one person pavlov mods have better driving

  4. Let's better manage our expectations perhaps? Yup, me too.
    Bone. Works.. Bone. Lab. It's almost as if this “game” was largely made to be the Bones for community created modular structures. Hmmmmm.

    “It's as if they expect us to learn from failure”. Um, yes! Welcome to reality!

    The expectations of some gamers need to be tempered. The amount of hand holding people expect in games almost suggests a lack of accountability.

    If you didn't like it, it's probably because you are not the target audience. Why were people expecting a game so vastly different than Boneworks? I'll take a guess. Because they wanted one.

    Wait for reviews. Perhaps dont pre-order. Manage. Your. Expectations.
    Welcome to the real world of VR.
    There is no virtual.
    Everything is reality. Some digital, some analogue.
    VR is not about games.

    It's disruptive technology. Expect disruption. Or perhaps you want more of the same.
    I sure don't. Do you?

  5. You can get ReVive working using the latest nightly build. I believe 3.057 is the one working for me. It actually works great and resolves the Index compatibility issue many are running into by mapping it just like a quest controller. While not the best possible experience, it does work. In addition, the Oculus version works over Virtual Desktop using the quest very well. There are a few settings such as ultra fog which just kill performance on ALL video cards. I think may are mistaking the performance with ReVive but I have ruled that out using it direct via oculus link/revive which perform exactly the same.

  6. The go kart…..Holy Jesus christ. This game is my first vr experience ever on the quest 2. The roller coaster was no problem, it's a little weird adjusting to moving and climbing but I've seen so many videos of people playing boneworks before I got a quest. But the go-kart within the first lap and a half I clammed up and started sweating immediately even though I was sitting on the ground. I know your not supposed to push through motion sickness but I finished that race and got to the tall guy before I pulled the headset off and had to relax. Not ever touching that go-kart again sandbox or otherwise

  7. I gotta disagree with you on a few things.

    1: This game is not the best for melee or Gunplay. Look to Blade and sorcery (nomad) and Hotdogs Horse shoes and handgrenades for gunplay. I would even say that H3VR has better melee and gunplay than the Bone series.
    2: This game is a solid 4.5/10 at best. It would be a 3/10 if it wasnt for the avatar switching and mod support
    3: mod support is really weird, you need to go to local low in your file explorer instead of the main directory like most other games in general. There is also no steam workshop support even though its a tech demo with an extremely heavy hand on the mod side.
    4. The only thing i feel like they did "new" was the avatar switching in real time, not during a cutscene or loading screen. Boneworks didnt really do anything new either, or anything significantly new, In my opinion.

    Some things that bother me:
    1. the trigger finger is pointed so far away from the trigger when not firing and jumps back to that position after you squeeze the trigger. Its obvious that the game devs have no idea how to handle a gun.
    2. physics are pretty bad when it comes to getting caught on something. I cant tell out the amount of times i had to bring my arm behind my back just to climb a ladder or open a door. I do not have this issue with any other VR game. Theres realism and then theres gameplay focus. should of made the arms pass through some objects while the hands collide.
    3. the enemies are essentially brain dead and take more than 1 shot (from pistol) to the head. It wouldnt be so bad if the AI didnt just lie down like they were dead only to get back up.

    Imo this could of just been a dlc for Boneworks for half the price. Im holding on to it incase anyone actually makes Bonelabs into an actual game.

    I am severely disappointed at this game. I pray that mods fix the game or at least add on to it heavily.

    I feel like if they fixed the AI to actually be a threat and not just a limp noodle, arm physics, and actively tried to make a campaign that wasnt just "look at what you can do now!", this game could easily be a 8-9/10. This game has potential but lacks in almost every important part.


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