Body cam videos capture showdown at Muscogee County Jail between cops, sheriff's deputies

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Police body camera recordings show interactions between Columbus police officers & Muscogee County Sheriff’s deputies during a conflict over booking prisoners at the jail in July. This compilation was created from 13 different officers recordings.

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38 thoughts on “Body cam videos capture showdown at Muscogee County Jail between cops, sheriff's deputies”

  1. Mark Walter wefler…Todd Pershing…David Paul Harmon
    My uncle trained almost all of the Indiana state troopers most of the Indianapolis Police department…
    My brother Mark and Todd his adopted son are some of the biggest lion booze hound wife beaten narcissistic pieces of apprehensible s***…
    My brothers got such a hot head he should never have been a police officer but Frank got him into it and this piece of s*** and somebody else tried to kill me stomping me in my neck and my back and left me for dead 4 years ago and they got the f*** away with it
    People need to start getting evidence and calling the department of Justice in Washington and reporting them because the Indiana police ain't going to do nothing about their own pieces of s***

  2. This has got to be the stupidest thing I have seen when police departments are arguing the toss with each other and endangering people’s lives over who books prisoners in first and all because of a sheriff having his nose bent out of joint .

  3. that sgt was being a legit btch. he caused all this shit because he had to wait in line to get his detainee in. blocking everybody in was childish af. and the adkins guy was funny

  4. This all happens because the cops had a task force in the sheriffs area and didn’t inform him so he rolled up and the cops acted like asshole to the sheriff so he locked down the jail good for him.


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