Blurred Lines in the Sands From The Hourglass

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10 thoughts on “Blurred Lines in the Sands From The Hourglass”

  1. I missed this live but i want to thank you because of your help and the golden ticket i beat 5 copywright stirkes. I apprecite all your help means alot to this day!!godbless hope your well πŸ™πŸ«ΆπŸ«ΆπŸ™

  2. So Loofah blames Tiffany for Skadi's behavior recently , and Skadi blames Loofah for potentially having her a** beat by someone Skadi is with??? Ok, first of all, IF YOU ARE IN YOUR 30'S, 40'S,50'S ETC and are being " peer pressured" or blaming others for your own life choices , you need to GET OFF YT, GROW UP AND GET MENTAL help!

    And Loofah, get off of yt, that is one way ALL THIS CRAP WILL STOP! AND HOPEFULLY ALL YOUR Evil crap YOU HAVE DONE AND SAID ON HERE WILL ALSO stop

  3. Lauren , i have seen co-vids in action a few times .. the lovebombing, the prayer & heart emojis is a fassade. i might do a panel with women who would speak out about his true self. And Loofah is nutz and a liar , she did a crying video right before she took her channel down about covids

  4. If Skadi would not 9f emailed Vo-Void none of this would of happened. Loofah and Co-Viod asked repeatedly for Skadi to stop. But Skadi won't stop. Even in this live she said she was not leaving this man. So why is everyone going crazy when she is doing nothing about the situation. She and Tiff are just causing issues for the entire community.


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