Blueguy's House Warming Party #1 (USF$-Boxer Son!-Dictator's Done-Mwahaha!-TThe Show Goes On)

First Champ of the StraWWeight DDivision = Blueguy = . =

which = crazy Eights – “The State Champion Ranger.”

Because, VAron n0 likes!!!

The kids… Fucked me…?

Marry me. Fight life. You fookin’ bitch.🍀

PS: “I’m gay.”
-said Dan said aaron

April is porn.
But “Thats so rapist.” ?
Oh… shit.


“It was just a hitjob said Mia, the journalist of black porn weekly dot com”
In her period peace on a very current consent issue she writes,

-“Daniel Lortie loved playing street fighter and listening to the Ramones. And long watches on the beach. and princess peach. -n**i 63rmany- And is a mighty morphin;’ power ranger now. (plus he’s actually gay because he really likes it.) Thats why she MMAy have killed herself MMAtie, because his Peach raped him or some shit.”

The SJW freaks got raped too but unfortunately weren’t trans enough to equal human for example. Go fuck yourselves. (Stun won. Jenny’s dumb.)
So now #hebrew means #metoo times ten plus, “Irish = Nazi” gets blocked. Plus you hate Izzy as WWEll. Plus #beatonthebrat ’til dawn. Also I love 8ase8all too. 2004 was bloody inspiring. minus crikey. minus playmate. Your name is 5teve 5herwin now.

equals One Family.
= EW = (33) = 04/14/1995 = R.A.V.I.N.E.

The Champ is here. It’s me, pussy.
“I’ll make it painless.” – “I’ll make it a sin.” –

Its, R.A.P.E. if someone says, “No” or didn’t “Know”

-OJ (A victim of the most horrifying, backwards, and ongoing sex crimes to ever take place in in my lifetime. Say you love me, in sickness and in health. Bless our Mother earth. I do not want to hook up with you against my will, I want to go slow. From the cradle to the grave. Please stop.


“I’m sorry, Jay? Its still Zero. Be our little slaveboy, crybaby. Our famous fatality.”

You had a hard read on my killing joke then.

“V walked into the bar and said… Virgin!”

It’s your last laugh, bitch.


The heart is poison, the brain is absent, and the spine is broken.
Their eyes are watching us in our own homes.

They walk among us.



“Crazy Ninja versus Social Justice Warrior”


#27 #ninelives #ravine and #yeah … #roar

Welcome to Primetime. Pussy.


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