Blue reflection Second Light PC Chapter 9 Animus Vulnera (Deathwish)

#bluereflectionsecondlight #bluereflectiontie #animusvulnera

Boss is Level 39.

Dishes used: Flash Bomb- ATK Down L, Aliment Blind, Death God Strike 1


Kokoro- Source of Hunger- Ether Recovery Speed Up+1
With Effort- Attack Up: Scaled to Gear+1
Natural Euphoria- Equip Multipier Attack
With Friends- Damage Dealt Up+1
From The Country- Combo Count Up On Critical Hit
Overflowing Ideas- Attack Up

Hiori- Simple Sincerity- Critical Hit Rate Up
Hoping- Equip Multiplier: Attack
Feeling of Liberation- Damage Dealt Up+1
Resolute Promise- Tactician
Intense Interest- Attack Stance
Comfortable Security- Furious Assault+1
A Premium Experience- Attack Up

Shino- Unexpected Flaw- Critical Hit Rate Up
The Strangeness of Fate- Ether Recovery Speed Up+2
Fruitful Knowledge- Attack Up+2
Interest in Others- Attack Up+1
Unanalyzable Emotion- Attack Stance+2

Hinako- A Proactive Attitude- Order Ring Speed Up
Warm Heart- Exp Up+2
Amiable Relationship- Support Activation Up
Enchanting Sound- Support: Recover Up
Fluffy Comfort- Order Ring Speed Up


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