Blow for Daily Mail as bid for Prince Harry's case to be thrown out dismissed

Prince Harry and Elton John are among seven high-profile individuals who can continue their unlawful information-gathering claims against the publisher of the Daily Mail.

The tabloid publication lost a bid to have the cases thrown out at the British High Court.

David Sherborne, representing the Prince of Sussex, declared the dismissal bid β€œambitious as it is unattractive”.

A statement from the seven claimants read, β€œWe bring our claims over the deplorable and illegal activities which took place over many years…”.

Actor Hugh Grant labelled the findings β€œgreat news” for people who want the β€œtruth about allegations of illegal press practices to come out”.


33 thoughts on “Blow for Daily Mail as bid for Prince Harry's case to be thrown out dismissed”

  1. But he has no evidence, he couldn’t remember, he’s going on a feeling. Come on, why would the judge waste everyone’s time and he’s not afraid of perjuring himself as his wife did and got away with it.

  2. Harry still has to prove the papers has done all this, he walked into court with no evidence just on his thoughts πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆshow the proof in court πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

  3. I love the Daily Mail well the song anyway

    "EVERY bird upon my word is singing treble – I'm a rebel.

    Every hen is laying hand-grenades over there Sir, I declare Sir.

    And every cock in the farmyard crows in triumph for the Gael.

    And it wouldn't be surprising if there' be another rising.

    Said the man from the Daily Mail.”

  4. Harry is not a coward like his brother and father whom accepted money from these criminals to stay silent and play their game.Harry is an example and brits are the real losers,cause they lost him

  5. Good – that means Harry will spend more money – before – making himself look a prat again in Court …..has he actually got EVIDENCE this time – instead of Drug induced hallucinations !!

  6. They are so stupid they have all the money they need and still wants more when they die there not going to take it with them and they can't sue god if they don't go to heaven

  7. My understanding is that they are just allowing discovery to take place as there may have been something there that was not brought up earlier. But they still have to make their case and have the judge rule in their favor. It could still go either way.

  8. Good for Harry , and all involved. In My Opinion the press has been desperate to get a story "by any means necessary." It's time this was brought out in court, so that Harry, Hugh, Elton, and any others involved can have their say. It's long overdue! How would any of the Harry and Meghan Haters like to have their phone or emails hacked and put out in the tabloids?


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