This video is about the powerful families of industry and banking who shaped the 21st century. The first segment about the Rockefeller’s and the Rockefeller Foundation is taken straight from my book, The Deep State Encyclopedia, which is now available for purchase (Release day March 7th)!

Truthstream’s work on Rockefeller:

Here’s where you can purchase the book in digital form and print:
More info and book description:


43 thoughts on “BLOODLINES OF POWER”

  1. This video is about the powerful families of industry and banking who shaped the 21st century. The first segment about the Rockefeller's and the Rockefeller Foundation is taken straight from my book, The Deep State Encyclopedia, which is now available for purchase (Release day March 7th)!

    Here's where you can purchase the book in digital form and print:
    More info and book description:

  2. You are wonderful, intelligent, a person whom I love, prayers for your protection. I also noticed, you read the comments, and answer. How can I order your book, I want it so much, for me children and grandchildren. This info is truly disappearing, you have put it back out there, keep up your wonderful work.❤️💕🥰

  3. This is the reason the Lord Jesus gave a parable about a rich man and poor man to illustrate afterlife. It is recorded in Luke 16:19-31. It tells us that the day is going to come when GOD will judge the rich. That this rich fellow ended up in a place of torment. 🙏

  4. The quality and depth of content you produce are golden. Heavy topics and wonderful narration. The improvement over time is excellent to see. Right up there with Truthstream Media. Thank you for all the hard work!

  5. The Only Real Family We should All be Supporting Is “ True Children’s Of God via Jesus Christ As being A True Born Again Christian’s with Jesus Christ as the True King of King’s All the other so called blue blood or Bloodline’s Have No True meaning or History More like Satanic Bloodlines Of Satan with all his many Different names etc 😮

  6. Planet Earth is Now for some time By Lizard people Reptilian’s waiting Humans skins in order to pass for as real humans or Hybrids or Shape Shifters like Most of so called royal families in Europe and Asia and Elsewhere they infiltrated all world’s governments in all walks of life

  7. Sweetie Thank you for your Hard Work Ones we Real true humans with help from Earth Alliance , Galactic Federation and other Benevolent ET’s in Removing These Pure Evil like Satanic KHAZARIAN Mafia , Jesuit Globalist demons etc the list is Endless and once the Human Race exposes the Real Hidden Satanic Evil Worldwide With Also Major Help From Our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ 2023 Will go Down in Human History of The Great Harvesting of Souls over back to Jesus Christ…. Great Worldwide Revival Is Taken Place Right now 😅God Win’s All The Time 😅and in control of Everything in His Creation 🕊️🕊️🕊️🥳😅

  8. Our Planet is Officially Rin by Psychopaths and sociopaths and narcissistic Demonic soul less so called Humans clones, AI , Hybrids And Shape Shifters Non Humans 😅once KHAZARIAN Ukraine Headquarters Of The Synagogue of Satan falls Theses demons are are going down without a fight even if it means Destroying humans Race and Our Planet Earth 😮

  9. Grace, you are a very astute and intelligent Woman. I love your content. This content is inspiring because with a collective large and powerful enough we can make changes. As a Military Veteran I can’t go back to change my past. If I could I would have fought against the war hegemony. Just imagine if we could harness the power of all astute and awake Vets and like minded Citizens to steer us in a new direction. I will contact you soon. Bless you! You are part of an awakening!

  10. Synagogue of Satan and The elders of proticols of zion and the 7 noahide laws guilty guillotines and fema camp's Deagel population projections say that half will be potentially murdered by 2025

  11. One of my favorite articles is titled : My Conversation With A Rothsfeller.

    The author spoke of many of the same globalist elements in control now.

    A truly brilliant piece woven by an extremely well versed individual.

    I can of course, no longer find it….


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