Blockade Run – Battlefleet Gothic Battle Report – Battlefleet Heresy – Wrath of the Gods Game V

Welcome to the fifth game in the channels campaign series of BFG , between myself and Henry of The Hobby Butterflies fame.

Let me know any improvements you’d like to the style particularly the camera position overhead, in hand (its hard specifically for BFG)

Don’t forget to Like and subscribe if you like the video and drop it in groups you may be in if your an absolute champion!
And most importantly enjoy!

FB: Bearfoot Miniatures
IG: Bearfoot Miniatures

00:00 Intro
14:06 EC t1
20:40 IW t1
33:21 EC t2
50:42 IW t2
01:04:12 EC t3
01:15:31 IW t3
01:30:44 EC t4
01:30:44 IW t4
01:32:53 Endgame


17 thoughts on “Blockade Run – Battlefleet Gothic Battle Report – Battlefleet Heresy – Wrath of the Gods Game V”

  1. Heya, cool. For the asteroid fields it is easy to use a template underneath. It defines the edges better and when a ship moves into you can remove the 3d models for easy moving but still have the asteroid field underneath.

  2. At 38 minutes: now I forgot if blue book has it but with the first page of burn retros is does say you don't need to move before turning. I think another reminder you need and want the remastered rulebook 😉

  3. Just before one hour and nine minutes I noticed you are playing torpedoes wrong. You did first a to hit roll and than a to damage roll. Which is wrong. After turret fire torpedoes roll versus armour, every success is a damage point. So no to hit roll is needed.

    Or are you playing homebrew?

  4. Here's an interesting fact…
    In the movie titanic when the iceberg is spotted (SPOILERS)

    Its often pointed out that the captain shouts hard to starboard but the helmsman turns the helm to port. But the way ships were constructed in those days required complex mechanisms to connect the helm to the rudder. This reverses the effect of the helm, meaning if you wanted to turn to starboard you needed to turn the helm to port.

    The helmsman behaves correctly, because the captain wants to turn the ship hard to starboard.


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