Blizzard Responds to Community Backlash re Symmetra and Mercy!

The Overwatch 2 Beta Phase 2 Week 1 Developer blog was just published and details the developers plans to address community backlash on the recent Symmetra and Mercy changes.

00:00 Intro
00:48 Mercy New Movement Meter
03:34 Symmetra Buffs
07:27 Junker Queen, Queue Times & More!

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21 thoughts on “Blizzard Responds to Community Backlash re Symmetra and Mercy!”

  1. I think it’s pretty clear they have no idea what to do with symmetra. Her shots are literally just a worse version of either Hanzo or pharah shots which makes me question why you would ever want to pick her over anyone else. She needs a rework completely and I’m afraid she isn’t going to get one, and instead she’ll just keep getting these “bandaid” fixes.

  2. im a sym main and i think all of her comments saying she should be dragged back to support hell are hella stupid. i played her and she always felt like a support rip off.

    and before someone suggests dumb ideas such as "healer sym"… let me inform you on something. remember brigitte 1.0?
    the devs confirmed ages ago in an interview the support sym you guys want so much did in fact SHARE design with LAUNCH BRIGITTE. the more you look at it, the more their comment makes sense. you want her to heal, to throw hp stack,some want to get rid of tp, you want her to be a generator…. you dumbholes just want brigitte back.

  3. As a mercy main I still don’t know if this will be good. That means to go into the air you will have to look up and look away from your team. Looking at your team and their hp is a vital part of support. But I’m happy to try it out and I’m happy they are trying to give us new stuff.

  4. What do yall think about doomfist? I believe he needs balance changes as well. As someone who's put a lot of time into doom and was fairly good with him in Overwatch 1, it really sucks that I struggle to find any meaningful use out of him in the beta. His kit is really unforgiving, more so than it used to be imo. His kit relvolves around creating space for your team and breaking up the enemy lines, but its difficult to get any meaningful damage out of him. His primary fire reflects this as it hasn't had many changes except for a nerf to its damage which doesn't make since considering it was designed to combo with his uppercut and slam. Both his uppercut and slam would stop enemy movement in order to get pot shots off, now he has no uppercut, and his slam barely knocks up or stops enemy movement. So not only is it much more difficult to hit his primary fire, but it also does less damage. Sure as a tank he's "supposed to do less damage" but that doesn't hold up when looking at other tanks. Also, there is his block. His upper cut was replaced with a block that does not completely block all damage. His upper cut was another mobility tool that would allow you to avoid damage, but it was replaced with a tool that blocks 'most' damage. Now, i do like the fact that if you block enough, it resets your punch and boosts its damage, but most of the time you will more than likely use that punch as an escape, and if you use it on the enemy, it still does not do enough damage to justify taking partial dmg to get it. On top of that, CC completely goes through the block, such as sleep. Now, obviously the more skill you use with doom, the more value you get, but it shouldn't be to a point to where lower skill players shouldn't play him at all. His kit is just too unforgiving at the moment imo, but I would love to hear other opinions

  5. Absolutely nothing about Doomfist? that sucks, hes in such a awkward spot. Nearly every tank still does what he does better, even his niche roll has a dive disruptor, might as well go winston or ball.

  6. Revert the Doomfist nerf, he was strong because players hadn't learned to play against him yet and they jumped the gun early to nerf him. I think he was balanced and a nerf wasn't needed, coming from someone who's unbiased and doesn't play Doomfist.

    Make Zenyatta 200 HP again and make the snap kick have a 3-4 second cooldown, and off CD zen's melee will work like normal without the increased dmg or knockback.

    Sojourn received two consecutive buffs, and I'm not sure they were necessary because she's really strong now, borderline OP.

  7. I'm still confused as to why they didn't keep the support change for sym…people loved it and it gave support mains a new hero. It worked very well and it doesn't seem like supports are enjoying the beta as much as everyone else.

  8. why did they have to change mercy from the way they changed her from the first Beta? Her super jump was fine then. why do they keep messing with it? who was complaining? And Zen? they need to nerf Zen? wtf take away his foot,? thats all he got plus a tiny bit of extra health. they havent done anything for supports and now they want to take away the minimal changes they've given to support? They really couldn't have done less without doing nothing at all for support and now they want to "watch and see if zen is too strong with the changes". Im so disgusted with Blizzard and the total lack of effort they have put in for the support class.

  9. Why does every content creator and Dev think Zen is Op? Have any of u ACTUALLY played Zen against any of the dps 1v1 when they flank you, YOU WILL NOT WIN 95 percent of the time, either kill them or die how the hell is that forgiving when Moria, Bap, Lucio, Mercy, and every single dps has a get out of jail free card ability and Zen doesn't


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