Blizzard Claims To Have Got Rid of Bots…

by @Azamous
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39 thoughts on “Blizzard Claims To Have Got Rid of Bots…”

  1. That's only roughly about 1.5 million dollars made (a month for Blizz until ban), no biggie. Wonder how much gold farmers made? How much does it cost to run a classic server? I'm curious on the math here….

  2. People just dont understand how EASY it is to get rid of bots. All you have to do is hire a couple people to just ban bots, THATS IT, a couple people, thats 200k a year max for a huge company to get rid of bots. Its just so sad they dont do it.

  3. They should just do random interval bot ban waves during server maintenance. 2 weeks in a row? sure. 2 months without? why not. Who knows when it'll happen, that'll keep people on their toes.

  4. yeah the just banned a fuck ton of bots…suprise you wont find that many …because theyve been banned already. This has been a problem and yes im sure this video is a but older so…again why would you be checking for bots a day or 2 after the bans…

  5. The price of gold usually changes dramatically when there is a wave ban but even now it has not changed compared to how it was two months ago so we can guess that this is a weird flex to say indirectly that Diablo IV will not be infested with bots?

  6. there was a spell back in the day when i was on private servers all the time called touch of death, you could look up any spell on wowhead and just use the spell id and add it to your hotbar if you had gm, and it would kill everything in like 1000 yard radius.

  7. I think og guildwars 1 had best ban animation for players… a giant reaper of death came out of the ground and swung it's scythe at you while you were in game. Then boom insta logged out and given reason.

  8. Blizzard: "How many bots are there atm?"
    GM: "We can confirm at least 1.2M"
    Blizzard: "Well then ban about 10% of them, make us look good"
    GM: "Why not all?"
    Blizzard: "Who do you think will pay you?"

  9. Looking at the Blue forum post and how many mindless fans are thanking them is equal parts hilarious and vomit enducing.

    They've known about this problem for months Don't thank them for doing the bare minimum, laziest possible response, 4 months late.

    What a joke of a company. What a mindless fanbase.

  10. They never said bots keep in mind guys they said malicious so it could only be 1 specific activity that bots do that would be 'malicious' so they're probably still everywhere 120k also feels like a drop in the water for how many there truly are.

  11. Blizzard: " We did it everyone, we cleansed classic from bots, no need to thank us. "
    Players: " Just on Classic? What about Retail? "
    Blizzard: " . . . So anyways, there is a 20% discount in our Blizzard Store! "

  12. Azamous is about the most annoying classic content creator there is, I get the game is far from perfect but you can taste the salt through the monitor and after a bit it's just way too much

  13. Blizz can't make things too hard for the bots, they are after all doing their job for them – so long as there are bots it means there are enough people to sell gold to, and if there are enough gold buyers it means the game still draws in a sufficient crowd to keep making money off of – so long as the bots keep coming, they can keep milking both bots and players alike.


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