Blessings (2003) Mary Tyler Moore – Family Drama HD

An elderly matriarch struggles with loneliness until an unlikely event gives her the grandchild she never had.

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45 thoughts on “Blessings (2003) Mary Tyler Moore – Family Drama HD”

  1. A wonderful truly thought provoking movie with tender moments of love revealing hard knocks of reality about some of the difficulties many of us face hidden behind a smile. Life can change in a moment, we must be ever thoughtful in our choices and the people we surround ourselves with.

  2. Thank you for sharing this movie. I read a book that reminded me allot of this movie. I cannot remember the name. There was a baby left on the doorsteps just like this baby. The rich older lady and the young man that kept the baby.

  3. What an amazing, deeply touching movie! Those who are inexperienced, yet teachable, will be able to learn many lessons from this narrative.

    If only we would not give in to the lusts of the flesh, and flee from sinful behaviour when young… How much less painful it would be; than having to learn lessons from our own experiences.

    Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. In His Word the boundaries are established; according to how we should be living; for us to be truly blessed.

  4. I tried but just can't stand the old woman. That streched out face without emotions just didn't portray any of the needed emotions needed in the old womans role. Would have been a great movie if only they used someone with talent and actual facial features.


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