Bleach TYBW Part 2 BEGINS – EP1 Cour 2 Deep Dive, Reaction & EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAY! Bleach Boys Rewatch

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Experience the epic return of Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War with Bleach Boys! Part 2 Episode 1 has officially dropped and we’re back to dive deep into it! Join us as Sam, Jose, and our Lore Expert Pithes, dissect the latest in Bleach TYBW’s Cour 2 – from Rukia and Renji’s intense training to the second invasion and Uryuu joining the stern ritters. We delve into the new OP and ED songs, explore cut manga content, discuss the return of Byakuya, and the surprise Bambi scene. Plus, we’ve got an EXCLUSIVE giveaway for this episode’s premiere! You won’t want to miss out.

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Bleach Boys, the only weekly Bleach rewatch podcast, is here to accompany your journey through Bleach TYBW Cour 2. We react, review, and discuss each episode as they premiere every Sunday. Make sure to subscribe to stay updated with our latest episodes. In this episode, we take on Part 2, Episode 1 of Bleach TYBW. Let us know your favorite scenes from the return of Bleach TYBW in the comments!

#Bleach #Anime #BleachTYBW #BleachBoys #Giveaway #BleachTYBWPart2


6 thoughts on “Bleach TYBW Part 2 BEGINS – EP1 Cour 2 Deep Dive, Reaction & EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAY! Bleach Boys Rewatch”

  1. Jugram doesn't have a symbol on his cloak because he isn't a member of the elite guard. He's in charge of the regular Sternritter and serves as Yhwach's second in command while Lille is the leader of the elites.

  2. Bleach is the only seasonal I'm watching this season since I get Hulu with Disney+. For Crunchyroll shows I usually wait til they end and binge them.

  3. It's my first time here and definitely had a great time! I'm looking forward to future episode breakdown discussions. Also, I believe Ichigo will have more anime-only appearances in this cour due to his training, at least from what the trailer showed.

  4. I cannot watch this video because I am a real supporter and I wait for the English version to come out, which obviously you guys were too impatient to wait for that. But in all seriousness, I can't wait for it to come out and hopefully everything will be as good as you guys pipe it up to be, and I agree with you Jose why no booty?! I am blind so it doesn't even matter but the principal man the principal plus I try and cling onto things I cannot see it because I'm disturbed or something I just hope bleaches able to rekindle my spirit and Anime because it's dwindling

  5. Ryuken has called himself "The Last Quincy", probably referencing the last Quincy to be a full blood Quincy. But Uryuu also calls himself the last Quincy mainly because he is the last Quincy to be born. Ryuken isn't an active practicing Quincy while Uryuu is, so maybe thats what Yhwach is referring to. That being said, Yhwach is not interested in Uryuu for that so its probably just a title to make him seems special in some way.


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