Blade Runner RPG by Free League – Case File 01: Electric Dreams EPISODE 03: Day 2 Shift 1 + Downtime

After the shocking death of Officer Petroff, our Blade Runners have stumbled across a luxuriously decorated safehouse in an abandoned building. They encounter The Aurelian and the replicant conspiracy thickens. There are still missing pieces in the disappearance of the replicant, Leah, but our detectives are only one step behind her.

We are playing the first Case File from the Blade Runner RPG Kickstarter entitled Electric Dreams. This is Day 1 Downtime and Day 2 Shift 1 (Morning).
They are playing:

Akimitsu “Kistuen” Perez (Matt) – a veteran Human Fixer

AM-072R114 Amor (Will) – a “veteran” Replicant Enforcer

Special thanks to Matt and Will for playing such a great campaign!the campaign will be released in close to hour-long episodes on a weekly basis. Please let us know in the comments if you enjoy this style of actual play and what we can do to make it better.
#bladerunner #actualplay #ttrpg #freeleague


5 thoughts on “Blade Runner RPG by Free League – Case File 01: Electric Dreams EPISODE 03: Day 2 Shift 1 + Downtime”

  1. Your video editing with all the animations and pictures (from the game I guess) work beautifully. I would not want to see little boxes showing video of the players and/or the DM. The way you have done it is absolutely stellar.

  2. This campaign is amazing. I never listen to love play.. The player and DM are very good at describing their personalities and avenues of thought. I am a fan of the Blade Runner franchise and this is better than reading a novel. Thank you very much. The only complaint is they are a month apart lol. I am just requesting that maybe at the end you show the players and have them take a bow so to speak.


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