Black Pegasus FIRST time REACTION to CHRIS WEBBY – Raw Thoughts VI

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Black Pegasus FIRST time REACTION to CHRIS WEBBY – Raw Thoughts VI

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30 thoughts on “Black Pegasus FIRST time REACTION to CHRIS WEBBY – Raw Thoughts VI”

  1. dude is there anyway to get the video from the livestream of the raw thoughts 5 reaction? been following webby for so long, and ive watched probably 100 different raw thoughts 5 reactions would love to watch yours

  2. First time watching this but the part where he is feeding the kitten then a line about puppies as the zombies show up….. was that a Z Nation refrence? "We got puppies n kittens people"

  3. As long as people realise this is his thoughts and he is not the fount of all truth, then his rapping skill and clever lines are entertaining – but the risk is, if people think just because he spits clever rhymes he must know what he’s saying is true.

    Now – a LOT of what he says is supported by facts, but then he includes misinformation like suggesting Ivermectin is an effective protection against the pandemic – when we have excellent medical evidence from multiple sources around the world that it is not only ineffective, but carries a risk of causing harm. Now the vaccine also has a small risk of harm, as does any medical treatment, but the difference is, the vaccine also has significant benefit as long as you are over about 16-20. Under that age, there is very little benefit so the tiny risk starts to outweigh the benefits. Why people believe Ivermectin is useful is beyond me – it was pushed by a president who had personal interest in increasing sales of it, there was never ANY medical evidence of it being effective, but it became this weird political issue as if taking it instead of the vaccine was somehow a right of passage to prove loyalty to the cult leader. It was just weird to watch and to hear someone still pushing the complete myth that it’s at all effective now, years after the science has been put to bed, is ‘disappointing’.

    I’m going to assume his apparent paranoia about Hilary being out to have him killed is just playing a part and he’s not seriously thinking the powers that be have any interest in him, or that Hilary has any significant influence over anything these days. It’s a very dated trope to still be playing with – maybe would have felt more relevant back in 2016, but he does say this album has been 7 years in the making so maybe that’s lines he wrote way back then and has kept in?

    As for employers insisting people get the jab – an employer has a duty of care for ALL their employees. At the height of the pandemic, anyone could have been a carrier of the virus even without any symptoms, and one infected person in a work place could have infected dozens or even hundreds of people, some of whom could have died as a result of getting infected. Therefore employers had a responsibility to minimise the danger to ALL their employees, and one way to do that, which gave them legal protection from prosecution by anyone who subsequently got infected and died, was to ask everyone to be vaccinated, and to not have anyone unvaccinated in the work place. (Similarly with mask mandates – had they not done that, there was an obvious liability for later prosecution by victims of the virus family had people died after getting infected in their workplace). Except for the military, no one could be forced to get vaccinated, but employers also could not afford the risk to have unvaccinated people in the workplace so would have to let people go if they didn’t meet the criteria to absolve the company of later legal liability. He mistakenly suggests covid was a “flu” – it certainly isn’t, although most people only got flu like symptoms if anything, those badly affected suffer terrible long term life changing health impacts, or death – at a MUCH greater rate than the flu, even in a bad flu year. Had we not implemented controls and quickly deployed the vaccine, the infection would have overwhelmed the health services, at which point as we saw in regions where that happens, the death rate would have as high as 7% of people showing symptoms – rather than the <1% it was while health services could cope and offer treatment. Despite the complaints, the social distancing, and lock downs, helped contain the spread of the virus and allowed health services to cope with those who needed it, and thankfully, the deaths were much less than they would have been otherwise.

    Of course, people have to have a choice regarding any medical treatment – and they did. However everyone else also has a choice as to how to cope with someone who presents more of a risk to society as a result of not being vaccinated. Just as if you chose to walk around with nitroglycerin strapped all over you, people would be wise to keep their distance. Choices have consequences and your choice does not remove the right of others to protect themselves by keeping their distance from you and not allowing you into certain spaces. Just like a bar can insist on “no shirt, no service” a business or an individual can discriminate as long as they are not doing so on the basis of protected criteria such as race, gender, religion, etc.

    Despite these and a few other bits where he pushes conspiracy theory and dangerous misinformation, I actually like this track – he’s got skills, and a LOT of what he is talking about are very real issues that should be talked about – the environmental pollution (remember which President boasted of scrapping lots of laws protecting the environment?) definitely needs discussing – and hopefully people would support moves to enact laws to curb that kind of corporate greed which leads to those issues.

  4. The irony of trying to react to a Chris Webby track on Youtube is a joke. All you rapping reactors need to get together and write and release an EPIC tune on Youtube. Tell Youtube 'Youtube's time is up, we've had enough. We'll be fine you can can keep your cuffs. Our subs will follow us to Tumbler. And those who remain, the stragglers and stumblers(sorry). They can search for anything relevant posted, like digging for fossils in the dust'. FUCK YOUTUBE. YOU'RE A DINOSAUR. Terrible but you get the idea. Love you BP:)

  5. Elon didnt fire all of the woke pple at twitter. I was banned a few weeks ago. First they said hate speech. Then i repeal it. Then they switched it to violence. Im like bs cuz in many tweets i specifically say im against it. They lied or took what i said out of context. Wish i can find someone with somewhat of a platform to hit up musk to show him my account. Can gurantee theyre liars and someone just didnt either agree of what i said or took it way out of context. Its wild how evrything is nowadays. America i dont recognize and pretty sure webby sees it too. Anyways another great reaction.

  6. I shoulda known Mr World Wide Webby was on ur radar BP! This guy had me (an ex-heroin addict) addicted to his music since the 1st time I heard "Chemical Romance" and "Dazed 'n Confused" feat Rittz…. Im so happy to learn/see u support this HEAVILY underrated artist, seriously! TyTy Also excellent breakdown on this new Raw Thoughts. PS u should totally tell Chris to do 1 more Raw Thoughts— BUT, collab'd with Hopsin's ill Mind LOL it would be EPIC


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