Black Mesa: Co-op | Part 13 "Against All Odds"

“Forget about Freeman. We’re abandoning the base. If you have any last bomb targets, mark them on the tactical map. Otherwise, get the hell out of there. Repeat, we are pulling out and commencing airstrikes. Give us targets or get below.”

The last leg of Nellia and Twten’s journey to the Lambda Complex proves to be the most perilous part. The destruction caused by the war between the military and the aliens leaves little chance of survival for anyone as Black Mesa falls to ruins around them. The military is losing – quickly, and Nellia and Twten must get to the Lambda Complex before all that is left of Black Mesa is rubble.

Now that I’m done with school, I can finally focus on finishing up this series. This is the last time we fight the military, but also contained the most difficult military encounters to edit. So as we move into lambda core, xen, and eventually the end of the game, the videos should be significantly easier to edit. Well, hopefully.

Music Credit:
Black Mesa Soundtrack by Joel Nielsen []
Surface Tension 2 Heavy Synth Remix by Pavel Grebtsov []
Black Mesa Guitar Medley by Dee Leggett []
Forget About Freeman Remix by Morch Kovalski []

Sound effects:

Helmet Icons:

TTS by

00:00 – Devastation
01:24 – Familiar Territory
02:37 – Hostiles
05:38 – Near Death Experiences
07:12 – Familiar Territory (Again)
07:46 – Still Not Freeman
10:09 – Another Loss
10:59 – A Gargantuan Threat…
14:00 – A Chance To Rest
15:18 – Back To Work
16:39 – Unusual Fungus
18:22 – Sewers
20:47 – The Goop
21:41 – Penultimate
25:18 – Outro


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