Bizarre Recent Discoveries That Shocked The World!

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47 thoughts on “Bizarre Recent Discoveries That Shocked The World!”

  1. The audacity of those Spaniards-they who decimated, enslaved, destroyed whole cultures (thru war,disease & missionaries)stole gold, Colombian emeralds, and the list goes on! throughout the Americas think that they have rights to it? I say, "F-off to THAT!"

  2. The pyramids are Egypts Vatican. They know what is in there or they would search. Anything advanced technology would have been reverse engineered and used against people who disagree

  3. The treasure belongs to Bolivia. It's obvious, since it was where the gold was mined, as well as it was the Bolivian people who were forced to mine it. I don't think that any of the other greedy governments are entitled to any of it.

  4. Mr. Borchardt knew that was an important artifact when he took it because he misrepresented it in the report that he showed to the Egyptian antiquity minister who made the deal and sign those papers and that’s why the Egyptians are so set on getting it back. As they should be in my opinion.

  5. These areas were outposts of Atlantis with all the knowledge of the mainland. With out the support of the main city of Atlantis they did not have the support and deteriorated to myth and legends.

  6. I think that The female Mummy that was pregnant may have infact lived as a man! May have been the priest!! Like Mulan!? May have passed because of that ?? Yet was honored because of her influence . Keeping the secret from the masses. She was 26 weeks pregnant? Hard to hide that

  7. That whole Columbia and Bolivia trying to take that gold from the Spanish is total bs how is it wrong for them to want back what Spain had STOLEN from them. Personally I think all that gold and riches should be split up between all the south American country's where it was stolen from in the 1st place. The though of Spain thinking it belongs to them is infuriating. The Spanish of old was nothing but thieves and murderes and shouldn't be able to put claim to any of it

  8. Re clothing: there are hermit crabs that will wear shells or other things. Many birds will tuck paper, grass, straw, etc. into their feathers. While many other animals cover themselves in mud.


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