Bizarre Podcast: Dogs Must Die – Episode 86: Jolyne Meets Her Cousins

This episode covers episodes 27-29 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean! Jolyne and friends fight some cryptids, a man in a fashionable cow suit, and get trapped in a plane that’s flying underground.

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19 thoughts on “Bizarre Podcast: Dogs Must Die – Episode 86: Jolyne Meets Her Cousins”

  1. Sky High, while not my favorite fight, is in my opinion the JoJo-est fight. You have:
    Transportation getting absolutely demolished (helicopter)
    Absurd Fashion (Rikiel)
    Complete fabrication that Araki read about and thought "Yes this would be cool to put in my manga" (Rods)
    Mild psuedo-science? (completely location-based body temperature loss)
    Random cultural references (Apollo 11)
    Big Brain plays (light yourself on fire to avoid getting touched!)
    Galaxy Brain plays (light yourself on fire to determine where a burning person's weak points would be!)
    Allies being mostly useless (Ermes only really got one good hit in :c)
    Villain loses because he screwed himself over
    and to top it all off, Questionable Localization (Sky Guy???? this stand is like the top 5 least guy-shaped so far!)

  2. Versus being mad at Pucci is so fucking funny in the dub. Best use of the Netflix approved f bombs in the whole season.

    Yeah, the complaint about the sons of Dio is that Chip had is the common one that I agree with. They should have had a bigger role, because they rule and would have been great to get more with them. Though with that said, everything that comes after now is also just like, the best stuff in Stone Ocean, so can't be too mad.

  3. So, a detail about the Sons of Dio I want to bring up; each represents an aspect of the actual Dio Brando.

    Bohemian Rhapsody is Dio's criminal inclinations- the desire to live a life subsisting on others, never lifting a finger. The man who poisons and cheats and steals.
    Rikiel is Dio's true face, the face he keeps hidden- his cowardice, his pettiness, his fear and loathing of himself and others made manifest. The man who cries from being punched.
    Versus is Dio's cruelty and ambition- the monster, the bastard man, the murderer, the psychopath who sees all others as beneath him. The man who would kill anyone and thing in his way.
    And Giorno is Dio's CHARISMA- The suave beauty, the unending grace and poise that Dio presents to the world, the charming soul that draws others to him. The man who would take you by the hand.

    I think this is really cool, and wish they did more with the Sons of Dio.

  4. most people talk about these guys as the "sons of Dio", but when I was watching i focused on the Joestar birthmark. They talk a lot about being the chosen ones of fate or whatever and I ended up interpreting it as being examples of them obtaining (or trying to obtain) protagonist powers, something I feel we'll elaborate more on with Pucci, but that i think was already felt with Rikiel setting himself on fire to match Jolyne.
    And then the way he questions her, like, "did you plan all that??" and she's just like "nope i'm just bullshitting and it just works"… i really felt it hang in the air the question that like, nobody really knows why or how the fuck joestars get away with this, not even they do. And Pucci's panic about her brings that home.

    On another topic, I think it's very funny that so many stands lately bother to explain themselves to the protags. Dragon's Dream hated his owner's guts, Bohemian Rhapsody imbued the fictional characters with the possibility/need of acknowledging their own rules of engagement (come to think of it, i dunno if that was just the more classical style fables, or if Batman somewhere was also chanting "That's the way the story goes~"), and now Underworld's earth memories… I guess it's the Earth then? under Underworld's effect, the Earth bothers to helpfully explain how the ability works, exactly how the plane is going to crash, and also that it's not a ghost. I dunno why, it's funny.

    and speaking of funny, and to bring it back to jojo lampshading things about itself, the scene where Emporio comes face to face with how buck wild all of this has got is just. chef's kiss

    also imo ermes could've cloned the seats. if underworld works off of "the earth's memory" and not logic, that would've worked, right? but sure jolyne spaghetti is fine too
    and for the record the sub just said "an air pocket" not a fucking quantum vaccuum

  5. oh right the rods… so like, there's this drawimg Araki made for a chapter cover with the complete fucking biological anatomy diagram of skyfish, except in the corner it's labeled "emporio's speculation"

    throughout the entire Rikiel fight, i was thoroughly broken. from the fact that the fight is actually with cryptids with arbitrary rules (so they may as well just be stands), to araki's signature wildly inaccurate pseudoscience he read in a magazine once, to the antagonist suddenly ranting about apollo 11 in a complete FUCKING nonsequitur (i bet Rikiel "doesn't get" peekaboo either). there was nothing for my mind to hang onto anymore

    and then the joke in the underworld fight with jolyne calling emporio happened and i exploded with laughter and validation

  6. JoJo's has a lot of humor but I think that dead serious proclamation of "The Devil's Rainbow!" is the first time I've had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard.

  7. The whole Versus fight (especially near the end with the phone call/computer) may overtake the Jotaro vs. Dio fight for the most egregious examples of "Talking is a free action" in JoJo yet.

  8. I don't know how the fuck Grant could be so spot on about Heavy Weather, considering… everything about Heavy Weather. It's kind of impressive? Or maybe spooky. Kind of a spectrum here, where the Impressive end is "he just gets Jojo THAT well" and the spooky end is "somehow, he is on Araki's exact wavelength."

  9. The reason why Emporio had access to a lot of books is not because they were in the music room, it's because he has the ability to manifest the ghost of anything that was destroyed in the prison. (So I'm guessing the prisoners did not take good care of those books.)


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