Bishop Strickland? October? What should we do?

God is calling on each of us that are staying true to His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. What is He calling us to do? That is what me and my daughter-in-law cover in this training video.



28 thoughts on “Bishop Strickland? October? What should we do?”

  1. Hello! My mom and I just signed up for indomitable! ๐Ÿ˜€I was able to access the site when signing up through email verification link but am unable to find the link to sign in. When I go on the website, I find lots of places to sign up but canโ€™t figure out how to sign back in for those who are already subscribed. Thank you for your help! We look forward to working with you all in preparing ourselves!๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

  2. The commission appointed to look into the affairs of the Tylo Diocese is illegal.The persons appointed were badlly tainted persons and held a bias from the very start.Such a commission can not be accepted and is illegal.Bishop strickland can not be forced to resign for keeping faithful to the deposit of faith.

  3. In the Book of Genesis, the Lord put an enmity between the Woman and the Ancient Serpent. Her generations against the generations of the serpent. Her Seeds or Heels will crush the Head of the Ancient serpent Lucifer. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, and the faithful remnants, the Marian Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests are Her Heels who will crush the Head of the Ancient serpent Lucifer or Satan, His generations. May they unite in prayer, to refute or rebuke the Apostates, the ravening wolves wearing in sheep's clothing who are the offspring of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  4. there were seven apparitions of Mary from visionary Marjia lunnetti from medjugorje 4th of july 2023 week. You people need to investigate that if you have any brains at all. I made a nicer comment and it was erased by somebody.


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