Birds Aren't Real: The conspiracy theory that satirizes conspiracy theories

Sharyn Alfonsi meets the founder of Birds Aren’t Real, the conspiracy theory parodying conspiracy theories.

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48 thoughts on “Birds Aren't Real: The conspiracy theory that satirizes conspiracy theories”

  1. I love this guy, fantastic. Really opened my eyes to conspiracy theories. I've just had my 83rd Covid jab and feel great, looking forward to another 17 vaccinations before Christmas to get me through to 2023.

  2. Ive never in my life seen a pigeon mother feed a pigeon chic.
    Let alone an actual chic or a smaller sized pigeon trying to eat with the rest.
    They're all the same exact size in length, maybe some are a bit fatter. Some a different color. Whats going on here?
    Ive been telling people about this for years now.
    Maybe Mike Tyson knows something. 😂

  3. I really love how ppl belive everything if you tell them something with a straight face and have some belivable facts. Like i used to lie about a lot of things and people belived it. Just because i made up some belivable facts. So dont belive everything just because the fact seems belivable.

  4. Please!!!! I am sure someone put this kids upto to this! We can never trust the Government! And that's a fact not a theory! I mean look at all that's happening in the world! The reality is most Americans r zombies to me! If they had no choice but to become one with all the lies they have been fed… We suffer everyday with the lack of genuine freindships, economic crisis due to fake war, dealing with people with zombie like thinking everyday because of all the that the super big brother government in the world! I mean look at Hollywood right now! Not so Holly anymore! Cmon people wake up! Love from Abyssinia

  5. The irony is…they put it out as satire, so that when they do put a few drones disguised as birds…
    It will be the ol' " the boy who cried wolf" happening. Clever. 😑

  6. i agree and disagree. we grew up with conspiracies being true, and being lied to about history. that’s the truth. this is definitely a refreshing way to laugh at some of the outrageous conspiracy theories though

  7. Is this what happens when we ban science? I swear Biology classes should have taught us better, and we even had dissection classes to put these lunatic myths to rest.

    These same people are probably the same that don’t believe Australia exists.

  8. Not saying that birds arent real. But the amount of people in these comments that completely disregard all conspiracies are the true essence of blissful ignorance. Dark and good energy forces are real. And to think these dark forces take pride in telling the truth and framing it as craziness. Open your eyes and elevate your frequencies and the truth will find you. God, bless thier souls.


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