Billie Eilish Reveals She Has Tourette Syndrome

Billie Eilish told David Letterman she has the neurological condition known as Tourette Syndrome. “I haven’t talked about it at all,” she told Letterman during an interview for his Netflix show, “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction.” She says she experiences sudden twitches caused by the condition. “I got diagnosed when I was 11,” she said. The topic came up after Eilish suddenly jerked during their conversation.


48 thoughts on “Billie Eilish Reveals She Has Tourette Syndrome”

  1. but why would you get offended if they don’t know? lol sounds kinda dumb and entitled to me. Thankfully hers is not too severe. Nobody deserves to have their entire day affected lol.

  2. As a person with Tourette syndrome I know how it feels to be laughed at but some of the Tourettes really hurt and most people don’t know they exist. So most people with think you your faking.

  3. * That can be from not praying, or being away from ( God ) or being around a lot of ( illegal-aliens ) or ( illegal-infections ) perhaps not having a family or a happy marriage or a wedding!

  4. My ex had Tourette syndrome and was annoying as hell. I told her I would not be seen out in public with her. Ive had to smack her around a few times cause she would just smack me for no reason. Such an annoying disease especially for those of us who have to deal with those who have it. Ugh can't we just send these people to an island or outer space 😂😂

  5. Wow you would never know. U just never know someone's ailments until they tell you. She hides it well. That's the most exhausting part of an ailment, hiding you can go with your day.

  6. Thankfully she’s truthful about it, I hate the people that made a living out of the “ticks” online for clout, and would make it extremely exaggerated.


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