Bigger Monsters in D&D

#dnd #dnd5e #dungeonmaster #dungeonsanddragons #monsters #dndmonster #encounter #devils #dragons #feywild #faeries #fairy #fairytales #lore #gamemaster #dndplayer #illusion #magic #wotc #cinderblocksally #criticalrole #fantasy #worldbuilding #gamedesign #gamemechanics #dragon #giants


16 thoughts on “Bigger Monsters in D&D”

  1. I’ve been meaning to design an adventure with a titan – something so big it doesn’t have just one statblock, but is a series of encounters to destroy different parts of it. Think shadow of the colossus but broken into 3-4 DnD battles

  2. Thank you for your help. Thanks to you, I have add some things to my games that my players have said is really fun. I look forward to continuing to learn from you and others like you (I always need a refresher on being DM and not a writer)

  3. Hey Cinder the 20th wizard king,

    What's the best way to handle mentor npcs that fights for the party? That help the party but still bring engagement to the players.

    Have them be previous heroes that save the party, teach some feats and then depart? Die in combat to the BBEG? Specific to a Player? Or something else?


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