Big Telescopes and Big Discoveries in Our Solar System

Big Telescopes and Big Discoveries in Our Solar System With the successful launch and commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Large Synoptic Survey telescope in the final stages of construction, and plans for additional extremely large ground-based and space telescopes underway, the next generation of state-of-the-art observatories is on the horizon.

These facilities are not only designed to peek into distant corners of the universe, but also into the far reaches of our own solar system as well as capabilities to further understand some of our closest neighbors. JWST Deputy Project Scientist for Planetary Science, Dr. Stefanie Milam, will discuss how these new facilities will reveal new insights into the formation, history, evolution, and composition of the solar system, and the uncharted territories, new worlds, moons, and interstellar interlopers within.

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