Big Realization Regarding Latest Ex (sandpaper dick) / PLUS Future Subject Material for Channel

What’s more fun than hearing good music and talking about sex? (I’d say listening to good music AND having better sex . . . but that would be pornographic!)
Song “Fallin’” is from Valerie June’s CD release called “The Moon and Stars: Prescriptions for Dreamers.”


3 thoughts on “Big Realization Regarding Latest Ex (sandpaper dick) / PLUS Future Subject Material for Channel”

  1. Kat I joined your audience here recently researching narcissistic relationships. what a journey it has been. Thank U for sharing yours. Cheers to seeing more clearly and hopeful for the best too come. Staying Tuned. Your Awesome…… Valerie June—— I said she sounds like Amy Winehouse right before you said it. Haha. She describes her music as Organic Moonshine Roots 🌜🌞 🌻


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