Big Changes To War Thunder Economy – HUGE Repair Cost Decreases and Reward Increases

This is one of the largest rebalances to the economy in the history of War Thunder, with nearly universal SL repair cost decreases, as well as SL reward multiplier increases. Not everything has received a bonus, but it’s nearly every vehicle, and by a good amount.

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Video Title: Big Changes To War Thunder Economy – HUGE Repair Cost Decreases and Reward Increases

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44 thoughts on “Big Changes To War Thunder Economy – HUGE Repair Cost Decreases and Reward Increases”

  1. so they wont punish me for wanting to have fun?
    several of my favo`s just got cheaper and by a good margine.
    if the snail keeps up with it we have have to reward them to reinforce good behavior.

  2. Meanwhile i still literally cannot play, because a new bug keeps causing my game to completely crash my PC. Something about a mouse error (which i dont have)? Verifying files does nothing.

    And no, i am not re-downloading the entire game for the 100th time. I literally jumped from the official launcher to Steam because it was so buggy i literally could not play for weeks

  3. I jist want to be able to stay in matches against other novices . I had fun for first few matches then boom seems like everyone is a pro and cant do nothing without getting took out

  4. Bad take.

    They didn’t fix anything.
    Even with premium I’m still not even breaking even getting 3 kills a game.

    My repairs went from 8k to 6k. And I’m not seeing any changes in my reward RP/ SL.

    And to give players a break even if they buy premium is not good. That means that you not only have to purchase premium to break even. But you also have to purchase SL for your progression.

    This community is so dumb. I don’t understand how you people don’t see this is not a fix at all.

  5. Bad take.

    Premium making it so you can’t go negative in a match is still incredibly egregious.

    -You still have to pay for premium even to break even.
    -and you also have to pay for SL for your progression, since you won’t make any by playing the game with premium.

    This community is so dumb. I don’t understand how you people don’t see this is not a fix at all. It’s a shame to see war thunder youtubers calling this a win. Like you play this game professionally. Of course you’re gonna go positive. I play casually. And I’m almost never positive. So out of touch. This dude literally has 200$ of golden eagles just sitting there on his screen. That is not indicative of the average player.

    This game and company are garbage.

  6. I gotta be honest so far I'm not really happy with these changes. Leo 1A5 was 6,700 sl and now its 6,200 sl…..yipppeee!!! Some people are saying that arcade actually has an sl gain decrease. . What a f***ing joke.

  7. I’m waiting for a reduction in the batshit insane RP requirements before I start playing again. Having to spend a year or more WITH premium just to get to top tier in one nation is criminal.

  8. The only change TurdBlunder has made is to allow an increase in the number of weak talentless cheaters and hackers and their "so called" Devs are cheaters to.

  9. I'm happy that a lot of French tanks with oscillating turrets received a massive repair cost decrease as it should be. I believe the basic AMX-13 costed like 8600 silver lions to repair before the patch… Now it's at 3025. That was crazy stupid on a tank that has almost paper thin armor. Yeah, if you're a pro gamer with a youtube channel, this tank might wipe out the other team, but the average player might get 2 or 3 kills before being one knocked out with one shot by a King Tiger. The game will be somewhat friendlier to average players who don't consistantly get 8 kills per match. I just hope these won't be reverted in a stealthy way later.

  10. The economy change is a lie, for example, you can use f4c to grind sl before update, you can't do that anymore: gaijin doubled its repair cost from 6k to 15k. F4c has no flares, or advanced weapon to against p2w premium jets, 50s 9e vs 70s 9l 9p r60, what a joke. And this Russian dumpster changed something under table. f4c can't lock on f5e beyond 3km, f4c is easier to be locked on by ir, i locked on my teammate's f4c in 10km. Gaijin is forcing everybody to pay. Don't forget, in 2021, you can't bomb one base then smash to ground, without any premium, you can still get positive silver lion income.

  11. Huge win? In what universe? This is like how MSRP of a car is 25k, the dealership marks it up to 33k, and then the salesman said, "I'll tell you what, I like you so I'll give you a massive deal and bring it down to 32k! Oh man I hope I don't get in trouble with my manager!" And what? You all are so ready to worship gaijin for this? This is insane. Yes the changes are an improvement, but the bar was so insanely low to begin with and you guys are all worshipping gaijin for such a pathetic increase. This is not a return to 'good'

  12. as someone whos been trying to grind chinese helis this has been cancer lmao, repair costs more than doubled (same as what they did in the update that started all of this), anti air in heli ec still has insane aimbot and rp rewards for ground vehicles is still trash compared to what they used to be

  13. I've been playing AB and grinding around 7 years…. and have always developed my crews and vehicles to 100%
    In that time I have learned my way around the maps and developed the tactics and knowledge to hold my own against most enemies….
    So with my new found confidence I decided to try out RB in the last 2 weeks…. and as expected was destroyed without mercy until I again developed a different style for RB…
    I gained a strong line-up for battle and started to NOT LOSE silver lions provided I could get 1 or 2 kills in matches…
    Now with the new economy changes… EVERY vehicle in my line-up has gone up for repair costs and now find that with 2 or three kills and a victory in the match that I am losing silver lions every game….
    Kinda puts me off logging on….. 🙁

  14. I've noticed a nice change to my Repair costs in high tier Ground RB and Air RB. Can still go pretty negative if you die multiple times and do nothing obviously, but the worst I've seen is -9k SL in 12.0 Air RB with 0 kills and no points. Usually that number used to be 18 or 19k. Step in the right direction for sure.


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