Biden White House BACKTRACKS on MAGA Speech After MEME Warfare

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President Biden backtracks on his statements from his commie-red speech where he said MAGA Republicans are a threat to America. Fox’s Doocey asked Biden about his statements, to which Biden mumbled an incoherent answer referencing global violence. Biden’s Hitlerian speech gets meme’d into oblivion, and we review.

#Biden #MAGA #MAGARepublicans


20 thoughts on “Biden White House BACKTRACKS on MAGA Speech After MEME Warfare”

  1. He is now saying a bunch of word salad. Also Hillary stating something about a " mega faction" I knew Jeanine in the movie " Divergent" reminded me of Hillary Clinton. Especially now after Hillary called us a " mega faction" and being a threat

  2. A threat to democrats…
    And by the way.
    America is a republic.
    With democratic elections.
    Not a democracy.
    Individual freedoms are not superceded
    By the mob rules degradation that comes to all democracies.
    Its time to reboot the system and start fresh.
    No lobbyists.
    No beurocracy left in place.
    Each state shall decide how to govern.
    Not the fed.
    As it was
    So it shall be again.
    A free country does not mandate

  3. Horrified hearing my President threatened me in his State of the Union Speech calling me evil, destroying democracy in front of a totalitarian nazi/ccp style backdrop. And to add to the shock, my President said I am the SemiFascist. His puppeteers want me eliminated.
    The WEF needs the revolts to end our democracies. They are pushing us into civil war. They are doing it across the West. It is so obvious when you look at everything they are doing. Trump was correct when he said he was the Dam stopping them from coming after us.

  4. Somebody really needs to work their deep-fake throat work just above the necktie hole is a dead giveaway.Guess they don't have Hollywood money/time to fix that sort of issue?

  5. Really ? Using the Marines as a backdrop. Other than get thirteen killed, what has he done to show them respect ? This is more like spitting in their faces. The fallen’s families, did not hear compassion, or empathy for what he ordered their loved ones to do. They stood their ground and died hero’s, but to the families, it is only a tragedy. Too many holidays, with too few relatives and an empty spot at the table that will never be filled. We even miss out on the lives that they may have brought in. Perhaps the cure for cancer was in the brain of one of the “never to be born” now, offspring ? Marines are smart. Marines are brave. Marines have a good moral core. Marines stand opposed when everyone else hits the door. We cannot afford to lose them in such a careless manner.
    With a speech that has citizens talking about a civil war for being so accusatory, full of lies, and fresh hot manure ? Way to pull the Nation together Joe. The thing that puzzles me, is by now, regardless of the MSM and big tech censorship, how can the democrat voters still not see it yet ? I don’t give a damn about democracy. I want my republic back. This administration has totally gone insane. I told you all years ago, we should have crowned president Trump KING ! They wanted an authoritarian government, as they all but said it many times. I thought by crowning big Don, we could have a country we want with a single ruler “by decree” like they want. I’m not saying it would work out, but this sure isn’t going to.


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