Biden delivers remarks in Poland about Russia’s war in Ukraine ahead of one-year mark | full video

President Biden spoke in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday ahead of the one-year mark of Russia’s war in Ukraine and a day after his unannounced visit to Kyiv. “One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of Kyiv. Well, I’ve just come from a visit to Kyiv, and I can report, Kyiv stands strong. Kyiv stands proud. It stands tall. And most important, it stands free,” Mr. Biden said. The world is seeing once again what the people of Poland and Europe saw for decades, the president said: “Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased. They must be opposed.”

#news #biden #poland

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35 thoughts on “Biden delivers remarks in Poland about Russia’s war in Ukraine ahead of one-year mark | full video”

  1. Even in his old age Biden understands that the US bought the Puppet Government in Kyiv with $22 billion from IMF Loans, and sent them $50 billion worth of weapons to shoot holes in Schools.
    The War is Victoria Nuland's not Putin's.
    The motivation appears to be like Germany before 1940, as Krupp's advised Hitler to seek Caspian Oil.
    The Colonial Nations are now out of resources and Cash.
    Capitalism is now seeking Russian Resources.
    The Economic problems that the US faces as the GDP dips, and the European Consumers are forced to purchase overpriced LNG, appears to have saved the US from 3 consecutiv quarters of negative GDP?
    Biden has been told, as LBJ was informed that his War on Poverty lacked funds, after support for Saigon used up the Treasury. The Economic effects are similar……

  2. Nothing but lies and deception comes out of the mouth of the president of the US. I know. I live there. BTW. The US is not a democracy… it a republic. Supposed to be lead by the people. To much corruption now. That’s not the case. He rules outside of the United States of America’s constitution. The whole system is corrupt. America has fallen away from God. That’s why this is all happening. Make no mistake. America is NOT free. Controlled be the “rich elite” not the people. The government agencies follow the money with no regard for the will of the people. The media manipulates stories and news to benefit government not to inform people so we can make our own decisions they manipulate to form opinions. America is NOT unified thanks to this president causing
    Division among races, political points of view, genders, economic status, religions, age, between educated and uneducated forcing political
    Agendas. They first cause a problem then act like they will
    Come to the rescue. The food crisis and the energy crisis is what I said before, a manufactured crisis causing dependency around the world dependency on what? Government. They act like they want to solve the problem they created. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. But that’s just me. What do I know? Peace.

  3. It was a Very Good Speech, but I also believe that there's a Certain Level of Hypocrisy here; All of these Words that President Biden Spoke in Support of Liberty and Freedom for the Ukranian People, He Deliberately Abandoned the People of Afghanistan, He Deliberately Handled over the Entire Nation of Aghanistan to a Terrorist Organization, The Taliban 😢😢😡😡, I'm Sorry, but to me, during the Speech he gave in Poland, I just kept thinking "What about the People of Aghanistan Huh?? What about the Children and Women who have lost their Rights and their Futures because you chose to leave these poor People under the Tender Mercies of a Bunch of Thugs and Terrorists"!! YOU HYPOCRITE!! 😡😡

  4. If you're Polish reading this comment, please know just how much your country means to me & the world! ✨ If there is any country that truly understands what Ukraine has endured for the past year, it is (sadly) Poland … Yet that also provides me with Hope! I am awed, inspired & humbled by the sheer courage of resistance of successive generations of Polish heroes. It might explain just why Poland's support for Ukraine has been so strong! ✊ Poland will ALWAYS stand & so will Ukraine! #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava


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