Bible in One Year Podcast Day 353 Hebrews 7, 8, 9 & 10

2 Brits & a Bible are two best mates who find joy and pleasure in reading the Bible and bringing forward their own takeaways and ideas. We are not theologians and speak only of our own experience and understanding. Our hope is that our commentaries provide you with some useful insight and more importantly, encourage you to go and dig into the Word for yourself…

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Our Goal with this podcast is to encourage people to go to the Word and read the Bible for themselves.

Today we’ll be covering Hebrews 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Heb7: Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek, who had no end. Our Lord became a priest through indestructible life. He is always able to save.

Heb8: We have a high priest who ministers in the true tent. He mediates a better covenant. He says, “I will write my laws on their hearts.”

Heb9: The high priest enters the Most Holy Place once a year with blood. Christ entered the true holy place once for all by his own blood.

Heb10: The law is but a shadow. Animal blood cannot take away sins. Christ offered one sacrifice forever. So let us hold fast to our hope.

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#Hebrews #anonymous #whodunit #newtestament


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