Bible Gets Torn Apart In Front Of Him And Gets Emotional! Shamsi and Visitor Speakers Corner Sam Da


32 thoughts on “Bible Gets Torn Apart In Front Of Him And Gets Emotional! Shamsi and Visitor Speakers Corner Sam Da”

  1. There is only ego involved, no sincerity at all. Christians need to let go of their subjective emotional attachment to their illogical belief. Alhamdulilah for the only logical and flawless religion that is Islam.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum…..
    ✅✅✅Every Muslim must know the Akida and manhaz of Salaf (6 Pillars of Iman and 5 pillars of Islam,Tawheed, Sunnah) before giving dawah to non muslim….

  3. Jesus and the Father being one makes Jesus God, but when Jesus says JUST AS he and the Father are one, the disciples will also be one with Jesus and the Father, this does not make the diciples Gods….
    Christian double standards hhhhh

  4. The christian god is afraid that by building high buildings humans may reach him and catch him, so he created confusion among them to thwart their schemes hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. When Allah (SWT) created us in his image it means HE had already made a decision of how HIS creation would be .If I draw something it will be from my point of view the way I want it to be Similar to what GOD has intended

  6. The christian god found no good people to represent him except guys like Lot who slept with his daughters or David who slept with his neighbour's wife….
    Thank God David and Lot ar not of this immoral character in the Coran…

  7. All Muslims, you should be ashamed of a god who tricks the Muslims of the first century to believe that Issa died on a cross by making it “Appear” Issa died. And then making it ‘Appear” that He rose from the dead. And then Allah allowed a new religion to be created by sincere Muslims, who eventually become Christians. Allah also allowed his word to be corrupted by Paul, a mere mortal man!! Think of the early Muslims who were willing to die for what they saw with their very eyes. What did they have to gain for saying Issa rose from the Dead?? Think also of the Billions and Billions of Christians who lived, suffered and died for their faith, Obeying the very thing Allah decreed, believing that Issa died on the cross and rose again and then Allah, the most merciful, the most benevolent, will sends them to HELL for eternity!!!! That is not only shameful but Demonic ! Where do I take my Sahada?

  8. All Muslims, you should be ashamed of a god who tricks the Muslims of the first century to believe that Issa died on a cross by making it “Appear” Issa died. And then making it ‘Appear” that He rose from the dead. And then Allah allowed a new religion to be created by sincere Muslims, who eventually become Christians. Allah also allowed his word to be corrupted by Paul, a mere mortal man!! Think of the early Muslims who were willing to die for what they saw with their very eyes. What did they have to gain for saying Issa rose from the Dead?? Think also of the Billions and Billions of Christians who lived, suffered and died for their faith, Obeying the very thing Allah decreed, believing that Issa died on the cross and rose again and then Allah, the most merciful, the most benevolent, will sends them to HELL for eternity!!!! That is not only shameful but Demonic ! Where do I take my Sahada?

  9. Shamsi What is the problem with marrying a 6 year old girl ? Tell me you are very intelligent
    Narrated `Aisha:
    that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death).

    Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 5134
    In-book reference : Book 67, Hadith 70
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 6

  10. Create -design mankind – human beings in our – according to image I see befitting ( same as those designed from Animals) Allah is separate from his creator being unique there nothing like unto him .

  11. Whene you make picture of your image after you are done with the picture it doesn't look like you it is just imege of your mind glory to Allah nothing like Allah what ever you imagine that is Allah its not you cant even comprehend the creator look at what Allah created and you can't finish discovering what Allah Creation so you can't comprehend Allah


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