Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Frederik Pohl (Marc Overton)

Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
by Frederik Pohl
Read by Marc Overton
This book was first published in 1980
Audio originally issued by NLS on cassette in 1982
“Robinette Broadhead has become incredibly rich as a result of unraveling secrets left behind by the long-vanished, interstellar race called the Heechee. He finances a risky expedition to locate a Heechee factory that can produce for Earth’s starving billions, and in doing so learns what happened to the Heechee race.”
Chapter list:
00:00:00 – (i) Book info
00:05:07 – (01) Wan
00:25:15 – (02) On the Way to the Oort Cloud
01:16:29 – (03) Wan in Love
01:31:36 – (04) Robin Broadhead, Inc.
01:56:58 – (05) Janine
02:36:16 – (06) After the Fever
03:31:12 – (07) Heechee Heaven
04:35:50 – (08) Schwarze Peter
05:08:52 – (09) Brasilia
05:58:12 – (10) The Oldest One
06:27:58 – (11) S. Ya. Lavorovna
06:43:23 – (12) Sixty Billion Gigabits
07:03:29 – (13) At the Halfway Point
08:04:51 – (14) The Long Night of the Dreams
08:34:03 – (15) Older Than the Oldest One
09:00:42 – (16) The Richest Person There Is
09:41:35 – (17) The Place Where the Heechee Went

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4 thoughts on “Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Frederik Pohl (Marc Overton)”

  1. Chapter list:

    00:00:00 – (i) Book info

    00:05:07 – (01) Wan

    00:25:15 – (02) On the Way to the Oort Cloud

    01:16:29 – (03) Wan in Love

    01:31:36 – (04) Robin Broadhead, Inc.

    01:56:58 – (05) Janine

    02:36:16 – (06) After the Fever

    03:31:12 – (07) Heechee Heaven

    04:35:50 – (08) Schwarze Peter

    05:08:52 – (09) Brasilia

    05:58:12 – (10) The Oldest One

    06:27:58 – (11) S. Ya. Lavorovna

    06:43:23 – (12) Sixty Billion Gigabits

    07:03:29 – (13) At the Halfway Point

    08:04:51 – (14) The Long Night of the Dreams

    08:34:03 – (15) Older Than the Oldest One

    09:00:42 – (16) The Richest Person There Is

    09:41:35 – (17) The Place Where the Heechee Went


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