Beyond Taiwan: Where is the South China Sea dispute headed? | News Desk

The South China Sea has long been a source of territorial disputes between several Asian countries. DW takes a look at who owns what, and why the contested waterway is so strategically important. An escalation in the conflict over territory in the South China Sea could have global consequences, given that more than $5 trillion (4.25 trillion euros) in traded goods and a third of all maritime traffic worldwide passes through its waters each year. And its floor is believed to contain massive, mostly untapped reserves of oil and natural gas. The sea covers about 3,500,000 square kilometers (1,400,000 square miles) and is a main route connecting Pacific and Indian Ocean ports.

If China secures more territorial control in the region, it could potentially disrupt shipments to other countries, as well as secure huge oil and gas reserves, thus easing its reliance on the narrow Strait of Malacca for its energy needs. It could also potentially deny access to foreign military forces, such as the United States. The US has maintained that the South China Sea is international water, and that sovereignty in the area should be determined by the UNCLOS. Washington has been critical of China’s island constructions, and from time to time sends military ships and planes near disputed areas as part of so-called “freedom of navigation” operations. These actions are seen as attempts to reassure allies in the region, such as the Philippines, and to ensure access to key shipping and air routes remain open.

Chapters for the show:

00:00 Countdown
10:22 Intro
15:15 South China Sea – where does the name come from
19:00 Taiwan and economic importance of South China Sea
30:00 What’s the “nine dash line”?
39:14 US Naval Military intelligence expert
1:17:08 User Question about the “Heavenly Mandate”
1:23:11 Who else has interests in the South China Sea with China Analyst
1:47:50 India’s competing interests with China
1:59:25 Japan’s interest in all of this
2:02:51 Conclusion


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30 thoughts on “Beyond Taiwan: Where is the South China Sea dispute headed? | News Desk”

  1. 90% of the Chinese navy is a green water navy, meaning it can't travel a 1000 miles off the coast. All of American Navy ships are blue water navy, able to intercept Chinese shipping in the open ocean. China relies on imports to survive, food, oil, raw materials. Therefore the USA can easily defeat China in A-war on the open seas. How people refuse to mention this simple fact is beyond me.

  2. China is all bark and no bite. All it has ever done is throw tantrums every time something has earned its displeasure. In the Philippines, they're been throwing their weight around during the previous presidency that touted itself as Xi Jinping's bff. The territory being claimed by the Philippines was already adjudicated by the UNCLOS in the Hague in 2016 (not definite about the year) to be part of our country's exclusive economic zone. China insisted at that arbitration that their claim was historic – an argument rejected by the arbiters. Other countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have also claims in the general area but even these are disputed by China by inaisting on the area being demarcated by their 9-red line nonsense. While all the other countries in the region seem amenable to coming to terms about how the area should be developed, the only fly in the ointment is China which wants to claim the entirety for its own use and unimpeded exploitation.

  3. China wants to manipulate their to south china sea and Pacific islands. They have exhausted their minerals, and and sea food. Chin a have money and expertise. The small nations will find it difficult to resist china's promises of economic win win. China will always win. They will start some project and use their money and work for their people and begin businesses for their people while enriching the politicians and leave the poor people.

  4. it is an absurdly false claim to say that China has the 'world's largest navy'– he specifically meant shallow water navy not ocean but he intentionally didn't say that because he wanted to make it sound scarier

  5. How can China convince the world that there is only one china when the world see two independent chinas? Now that Taiwan changed its name to Taiwan, china should keep calm because it got what it wants that there is only one china.


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