'Beyond laughable': Angus Taylor ridicules PM's justification of broken promise

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor has ridiculed the Prime Minister’s National Press Club address where he attempted to justify breaking an election promise on stage three tax cuts.

“The way they were both trying to spin it yesterday was beyond laughable,” Mr Taylor told Sky News Australia.

“It is actually sad that a Prime Minister could lie to the Australian people so many times.

“He was actually lying right up until just before he made this announcement.

“We know now he made the decision at the back end of last year and I am sure there will be more to come out of this.”


34 thoughts on “'Beyond laughable': Angus Taylor ridicules PM's justification of broken promise”

  1. Angus Taylor is a complete fruit loop and and always looks like he is going places, but will never ever get there. he should be allocated something that he can handle, like the shadow minister of weeds and seeds or the Latrine Officer . He is all Yap and believes his own bullsh*t.

  2. Its sad that our Priminister has a reputation as an untrustworthy blue faced liar and that he has used those low life attributes to get to where he is as PM today … he should be ashamed because this is how he will be remembered.

  3. Angus , I'm from Barmedman , why aren't you standing up for us like Malcolm Roberts or others senators ? There are many many who think like me , we are the majority . Did you vote for the deadly prick ?

  4. Labour has learned a lot from the Liberals over the last 10 years how to lie and bullshit and BREACK Promises, so it's not much good criticizing them now. You are not going to be any better in the Future ether !!!!!!!

  5. Angus Talor. The guy who wouldn't provide police with information about where his fake documents come from. Another wonderful piece of media from the fake media kings Sky News. Gees it must be embarrassing working for them.

  6. Times are tough and the 'noposition ' is not seeing it !! Let the country share the burden not let the high earners walk away with the dollars while the low earners get nothing . Can thr opposition wake up and put forward some constructive views ! They sit there like stuffed mullets still getting over the election loss !

  7. When you sell out the country, divide the people, and raise the cost of living to the point where average people can barely survive because of your ridiculous policies, only to appear at the eleventh hour and announce that you are returning a few hundred dollars to taxpayers after taking thousands from them over the previous year! Wow, and the gullible fall for this.

  8. He is strange part Mr Magoo..
    a liar, a poor vocab,a poor speaker, a man that has lied while pointing the finger.
    I think in the current climate of misandry… it was why he got in, he's a beta simp and got a lot of those voters…he's just weak in everyway possible except for political snakes and ladders.

  9. Funny how all the non Murdoch news outlets talk about the positives of the tax cut changes , and let’s face it cuts were delivered albeit Murdochs big end of town mates and sky reporters didn’t get their big cuts, boo bloody hoo, it’s Sad that dunno Dutton crew have no policies so all they can do is gutter snipe . Of course they want to keep the third stage for the big end of town .. no announcements because you have NO policy other than to cry sook and whinge


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