Better Call Saul season 6 episode 11 review and recap: Gene's phone call to Kim Wexler!

In our Better Call Saul season 6 episode 11 review and recap we talk all about Gene’s new scheme, that phone call to the place of Kim Wexler’s employment, and the return of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul! (AMC)





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27 thoughts on “Better Call Saul season 6 episode 11 review and recap: Gene's phone call to Kim Wexler!”

  1. I think he did speak with Kim and he was angry because she told him she is being harassed all the time about his whereabouts but has no money to go anywhere to escape. That is why Jimmy is pulling the scams. Then I think Marion is upset that Gene is not paying here any attention any longer and has noticed that poor "Jeffie" is being sucked into a bad situation again and that "Gene" is the one causing it. She is going to turn Gene in.

  2. I think Gene thinks he's got a second chance at 'puppeteering' another (cancer-riddled) Walt and do it right this time. I mean, he doesn't realize it yet, but in the back of his head he's not after the score, he's after the guy himself somehow.

  3. Jimmy/Saul/Gene goes out with a whimper and not a bang. Just gets arrested for B&E. Kimmy doesn't take his one phone call in jail. He doesn't even find out what happened to her. He gets assigned that defense lawyer we always see from the courthouse as a pro-bono case since he has no money to use. The lawyer does a lousy job. Jimmy gets sentenced to 50 years. We then see him sitting in a dark prison cell. Alone. Having lost everything. When his cell mate asks him his name… He doesn't say Jimmy. He doesn't say Saul. He doesn't say Gene. He says: "I'm nobody".

  4. Listen to me……. I wanted to hear that phone call. My heart shattered when he came out of that phone booth. He is at his lowest, and Gene is now worse than Saul. He has nothing else to lose and now I am afraid. I loved the Walt and Jessee cameos, they were not forced and tied into Jimmy's story.

  5. This was a great episode, pulled together a lot of story lines. As for Kim, I think that Gene got the worse news he could get when he was on the phone with whom ever. I think that Kim`s guilt caught up with her and had turned herself in about what really happen to Howard. It was really good to see how Walter White and Jesse Pinkman look like 2 amateur`s just starting out trying to move their product. There will always be Easter eggs in each show, it`s up to us to find them.

  6. Hate to admit it but i dont see a happy ending for saul he successfully got away in BB however his current lifestyle isn’t good enough for him. He told the vacuum guy he would handle the situation on his own when he got made by jeff. Jimmy was never going to stop being jimmy until he was either dead or arrested. He had his opportunities to make better decisions however the flash backs indicate he will make the same mistake again by not Listhening to mike when he said leave walter alone , had he did walt would have never met gus and alot of people would still be alive . Now not listening to jeff”s freind to leave the guy with cancer alone …that will decide his future the flashbacks could also try to justify to the audience why saul”s demise is justified. Reminding the audience saul gets people hurt with his schemes and he always since a child was a schemer . It kind of makes you wonder if his brother chuck for saw the damage jimmy is capable of . It makes you want to watch bcs from the beginning. But yeah saul had plenty of opportunities to lay low but he rather die or be in prison as saul then live as gene.

  7. IDK The end is looking ominous for Jimmy… Like a lot of Death references… I must say each death has been done well. I kind of felt sorry for Howard.

    The running theme to deaths are by each person own undoing… Every death avoidable if they just let things alone.

    I loved Lalo's death… the way he laughed right as he died was a great death scene.

    A thing I noticed too is its almost the end and seems to be also synced up with the ending to Breaking Bad. Like Jimmy suddenly contacts his old Office Manager… the way the call just ended…

    Jimmy suddenly has all these people he starts going after their financials, like he is stepping back out using a new crew of smalltime criminals, he needs to do what he is planning. He was asking his office manager trying to get back in touch with people he trusted.

    Since not available… he is taking a huge gamble using these petty guys and IMO biting off more than he can chew. He jumps in after talking himself into it.

    Almost like his plan is to bankroll his way back into law.

    The only way I can imagine Jimmy aka Saul getting out of Cinnabon and back into doing what he loved…

    Create a front for himself and find a Lawyer who acts as the proxy for Jimmys skills.

    Also I am curious about the creators intentions since they created a pretty good spinoff this 6 season being longer than its parent they spun off from

    The world of BB and BCS is pretty ripe for the only way to spinoff from BCS and create a additional depth while keeping us… or me interested… would be …

    Jimmy somehow being able to kill off Saul and setup shop creating a new persona proxy using a willing Lawyer… and in the main Story now being maybe Jesse Pinkmans next chapter after BB…

    Remember Walt was after the names of the 9 associates Mike had and Walt has all of them killed in jail.
    Jimmys not doing all this because he is bored… IMO he is taking it to a next level, and just do not see the creators having built this so tight… it seems impossible that what happened in BBS2-S5 cannot be summed up in the next 2 BCS episodes, and I think it is ramping up to see what "Good Mild Mannered Walter the Devil", influences and creates Jesse Pinkman and Jimmy aka Saul, reinventing himself into his passion law by creating a new person… if you have skills and funds that a new fresh out of law school and bar willing to play proxy… well anyways… I just like the universe too much and hope they find a way to explore this universe even more deeper. I noticed that shot of the Lawyer now on that bench who is opening up shop.
    Anyone know if that's a reference I missed?
    If you think about it… the space is wide open for someone to fill… everyone is dead and Jessie, and his boys… along with the help of "A New Jimmy 3.0" could show a corruption of Jessie in the aftermath of Walter.
    Also just as a note… remember how Jimmy Saul Goodman Gene Tackovic
    Remember Gene pretty deep in water and IDK
    Carol Burnette seems very baby kitten harmless… almost too harmless…

    Harmless old lady….
    Who's son fell in with the wrong crowd in New Mexico…
    Where Jimmy was part of the wrong…
    Jimmys just letting his hair down… and Carol Burnette makes a good foil too for Jimmy…
    She is noticing more and more Jimmy and her son… and Jimmy has taught her how to simply put cat videos in a search and find millions of cat videos…
    She bound to run accross Jimmy Wanted Criminals from Albuquerque New Mexico,
    And may be more than just an innocent nice lady…
    I have noticed the use of cats in a lot of dialog since.

    Cats have 9 lives….

    Listen to all the last episode cat references in dialog… look what the cat dragged in… cat videos… Nippy jumped out the window after a cat…

  8. He was told of her death.
    Gene self sabotaged and fucks up his life because of this.
    Just to eventually find out, Kim used the vacuum repairman and faked her own death somehow.
    By then it will be too late. Marion's gonna be Gene's downfall.

  9. I agree that we need to see a proper ending for Kim. She was too major a character to just turn away from Jimmy and keep packing her clothes, never to be seen again. I think he did talk to her during that phone call. She tells him she's divorcing him – which not only means it's the end of any hope he still had, but opens the way for her to testify against him. (Remember when they got married that they said it meant she wouldn't have to testify against him if he was indicted?) I think this final betrayal sends him full-bore Saul.

  10. Walt's initial reason for the meth lab was to make sure, should he die, his family was financially secure. When this eventually came to pass, Walt was at peace as his death was a fait accompli.

  11. it was nice to see Bryan and Aaron.. however.. I didnt really buy Aaron as Jessie (at least the Jessie we knew from Breaking Bad) as he is too old now.. they did the best they could of course seeing as he has aged.. But other then that it was a nice cameo… Im thinking that we may see more of Walt next week. not sure about Jessie

  12. Just love you guys and everything you do! You enhance shows so much and add terrific colour to these great shows. Thank you! Fully agree with you… Gene is reverting back to Jimmy and slowly imploding! Giving a computer to Marion is the downfall! She will search and find the reward for turning in Saul!


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