Bethesda RUINED Fallout Modders Save It

starfield fanboys getting what they wanted an expansion and update that does nothing and changes nothing best game 2023 for sure amazing right


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#gaming #fallout #bethesda


16 thoughts on “Bethesda RUINED Fallout Modders Save It”

  1. Only difference is Fallout 76 cant be canon due to its point in the timeline wiping out the points of Fallout 1 and 2 if it is. The Brotherhood of Steel never left their bunker in Lost Hills prior to Fallout 1s beginning. They never sent patrols out to West Virginia.

  2. I still don't understand why fallout 3 treated like a bastard unwanted child. I know New vegas is better, played both & loved, but fallout 3 is like "eww it's disgusting" attitude i saw all around internet. sigh…😒

    Best of bethesda's devs retire already & the ones not yet is holding on their position until miracle happen. Until then there is still too many games i did not finish yet. Worst thing that can happen now is we don't get good games from them anymore & u know what? there's always other game I will play. No harm for me.

  3. am i the only one who refunded starfield due to how crap it is but somehow steam never removed it off your list thus making it so you have a free game? well for me what i think happened was i refunded starfield when everyone was and the system bugged out lol

  4. After Star Field I’ve lost all faith in Bethesda doing anything right. FO 5 when it comes is likely going to be another hot woke mess. And I hope they don’t mess with FO 4. When Bethesda reworked Skyrim I had to do a hard reset and use backup files to restore my mod list. Of course my body mods got targeted and had to be replaced. I’m sure if my Female Elf had a Dick Todd would have left it alone.


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