Best Super Nintendo Cheat Codes, Part 3 – SNESdrunk

Games covered:
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
Cool Spot
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
Star Fox
The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
Super Turrican
Top Gear 3000
Wing Commander
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Super Smash TV
UN Squadron

New SNES-related video every Tuesday, and something else (Genesis, Game Boy, whatever) on Thursdays

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30 thoughts on “Best Super Nintendo Cheat Codes, Part 3 – SNESdrunk”

  1. I read somewhere that a lot of cheat codes were used during development and testing. It wasn't as easy to test out JUST level 6 without playing through the whole game up to that point, etc. So that's why level selects were so common.

    Gotta' wonder how many games were made by people who seldom tested with the game's "normal rules"…and that's part of why some games are so broken or difficult! (not just the "rental syndrome"!)

  2. Strange question, doing consider the LARA password a cheat code in Chrono Trigger?

    I don't know why this video reminded me of that and how I don't think I understood that the first time I played the game it wanted me to use the SNES buttons 😢

  3. I remember "Battletoads & Double Dragon" has a Stage Select cheat code. The only catch is if you beat the game using this code, you won't get the real ending. Just one of those few times a game itself won't reward you for cheating. If you want to see the ending, you'll have to work for it, damn it! LOL

  4. @Snesdrunk Just a suggestion that may help with views. When you do a video series like this. It might be a good idea to link the previous video's in the series in description. I know in theory that Youtube is supposed have relatable content on the right hand side and in a perfect world that's where your other two videos in the series should be. I know when I see #3 in a series and they're not all released one after another, I tend to forget what was in the past videos so I go back and watch all three in order. It would mean more views and clicks for you. I don't know if that's even an interest of yours but at the very least it would make it easier for your fans to find your work. Best of luck!

  5. With Top Gear 3000 if you jump straight to all the upgrades there is no way you can handle that car lol. You have to gradually race that thing. No way as an adult now could i see it fast enough to navigate

  6. The cheat for Yoshi's Island is actually shown in game. In Sluggy the Unshaven's Fort in level 5-4, there is a chain chomp just sitting there all by himself in a room. If you use an item like a POW block, it will kill him, which opens a secret door where there is an advice block that tells you the cheat code.

  7. Best cheat codes, to me, are the ones made for rpgs that maximize exp gains and stop random battles when active. I got into some good rpgs only because some of these exist.


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