Best New Xbox Game Pass Games July 2022: Spaceships! Turtles! Complex Moral Decisions!

What’s new on Game Pass in July 2022, plus the best Game Pass games you may have missed in June!

Xbox’s Game Pass gives you access to over 400 games for a monthly subscription. That is a whole lot of games to choose between, and surely they’re not all good? Worry not, Andy and Mike are here to share their favourite games from June 2022, and what’s confirmed to be coming up in July. What are your favourite games on Game Pass? Show them some love in the comments.

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35 thoughts on “Best New Xbox Game Pass Games July 2022: Spaceships! Turtles! Complex Moral Decisions!”

  1. TMNT is fantastic. Reminds me of going to Pizza Hut in the 90's with my brother. My other recommendation is to check out the Shadowrun RPGs, especially Dragonfall and Hong Kong. I love those games and would love to see more in that style.

  2. Immortality looks really interesting. I loved Her Story, so I'm up for this.
    I don't quite get why people keep describing As Dusk Falls as having a comic book graphical style. It doesn't look anything like a comic. It's pseudo-realistic illustrations with incredibly limited animation. It's more like someone took the animatic from the production of a cartoon and did up the visuals without finishing the animation.

  3. Sentience just means has the ability to feel as differentiated from the ability to reason. You could be sentient and still dumb as hell. Or maybe just lack the ability to plan and improvise.

  4. The far cry 5 ending is set up to go I to new dawn. As always there is hidden ending. And I think k you can get it twice one at the start and then once at the end.
    But your character I 5 is Joseph seeds enforcer in New dawn.
    They have a mental brake down due to causing the apocalypse. And follows seed because of this.

  5. Not sure why you'd upload a video in July telling us about the games that came out in June, when you haven't played them… 🤔
    Did you record it a month ago, before the games were released, and then either reupload it or forget to upload it? Genuinely confused. I normally love your videos, but this one was largely pointless and inaccurate.
    Spacelines is nothing like the Two Point games. It's closest comparison is probably Overcooked. Great fun local co-op.

    Speculation about the games that aren't out yet is fair enough. Speculation about the games that are already out is just ridiculous.

  6. "Spacelines" makes me think of when I would play Mass Effect, and you got just a taste of "life onboard the Normandy during travel." Obviously the tone and style are quite different, but I always thought a game about space travel could be great. You're always hurrying off from one exciting mission on this planet to another on that planet in most sci-fi games with massive scope. What about the quiet moments in between?

    The true niche for me would be a game that combines both. Exciting missions, and making sure everyone's well fed on the two-week journey to the next one 😀

  7. Far Cry 5 railroaded you too much. I absolutely hated all the sequences where, because you reached a certain point in the story, you were ambushed by an unbeatable squad to go capture you and take you to a story mission. That's just bad design.

  8. I really enjoyed Chorvs. It was not particularly deep, not a great story, and it got VERY repetitive after a while, but it was, despite all those things, pretty fun to just sit down and play for a while. Straightforward and clear.

  9. Personal opinion but FC6 was more fun than 5 once I turned off the numbers and health bars. 5 was solid like the previous 2 but was just too bland. Maybe that's just because I'm an American so it being "local" just didn't hold that same mystique that the others did 🤷

  10. Gotta disagree with the Far Cry 5 ending bit. Its amazing. Yeah it makes you feel like an idiot for killing all those people and then realizing that amazingly they were right (if too extreme in their methods) but thats what makes it a good ending. Its super memorable and out there. Not many games have the balls to have such a bonkers ending

  11. Love the first Ninja Gaiden! Or the first one for Xbox. I loved the one for my Sega back in the 1990' too but I never completed that one xD

    The Xbox version took me about 1,5 years to complete. It took me 1 year playing on and off to defeat the tutorial boss, and then I got stuck at the ghost part of the Samurai. Left the game for 6 months, then came back and completed the game. After that, it became kinda easy, even on the hardest difficulties.

    I wish I could figure out life like I did Ninja Gaiden <3

  12. Were you two forbidden from talking about the real Ninja Gaiden from 1988? I swear I heard Mike say "the original was an Xbox exclusive." What? 🧐

  13. I bought Far Cry 5 when it came out. I liked it, but agree, the ending is bad.
    Now that it is on Gamepass, I am playing through it again on New Game+ and with co-op with a friend. I am enjoying it again, like most of the other Far Cry main games. 2 was the first game into how the stories feel now, (not about experiments gone wrong like the original Far Cry was) and was a horrible game. 4 was forgettable. Well worth the time and download in my opinion.


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