Best Generator Books for TTRPG Worldbuilding/Solo Play

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Skip to 31:28 if you just want to know my recommendation! (Perilous Wilds, Maze Rats, GUM, Sandbox Generator, GMโ€™s Miscellany)

Links to the books mentioned:โ€“Revised-Edition (GMโ€™s Miscellany)โ€“Dilemmas

0:00 Intro
0:41 Perilous Wilds
04:00 Tome of Adventure Design
08:57 Wilderness Hexplore
12:04 Sandbox Generator
14:11 Game Unfolding Machine
17:03 Maze Rats
18:07 Great Book of Random Tables
19:25 GMโ€™s Miscellany Collection
21:33 D30 Sandbox Companion
23:23 100 Wilderness Hexes
25:17 Artifices, Deceptions and Dilemmas
27:00 Scarlet Heroes & WWN
28:00 CDD 4 Old School Encounters Reference
29:23 Untold Encounters of the Random Kind
30:54 Ironsworn
31:28 Summary & Favourites


24 thoughts on “Best Generator Books for TTRPG Worldbuilding/Solo Play”

  1. This was a great video and much appreciated. I learned about a lot of new respurces that I didn't know about and I personally really like this type of content.

  2. I like tables, i love them… but they make to mutch work to use them. A bunch of books with tables but it takes to mutch to pick up and search. I prefear to use "inspirational" tables like verb+theme , action/theme and the likes. With the same results i can get diferent ideas depending the situation. Dont need to switch books or search for tables.
    That sayd i still got a bunch of books with random tables … i guess all depends of the creativity of the person.
    I like the video as i like to discover new things. I think next thing im trying to use will be hexflower "tables"

  3. I wrote it in the transcript, but forgot on-stream to recommend new solo players to stick to 1-2 books of tables to keep it simple and consistent ๐Ÿ˜…

    I'm covering a lot of books here, but using a ton of books is useful mostly for GM Prep – Using more books is okay as a solo player as you get accustomed to them, but at the start just stick to a few ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Good one! ๐Ÿ‘ I have a few of these, and Iโ€™m trying to not get (too much) more stuff ๐Ÿ˜‚ So Iโ€™ll stay away for now. Iโ€™m currently mostly playing LotR LCG with a friend and I recently bought everything for LotR: JiMe, so working on getting that painted to play solo. The LCG just really got me into LotR, I also got The One Ring to play Strider Mode, but (of course) Iโ€™ve barely opened it yet ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have finished painting the JiMe core box though ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Seriously there's SO MUCH in the Tome of Adventure Design. You pointed out things I didn't even realize were in there! Perilous Wilds is excellent, and there was a revision in late 2022 that really improved the dungeon generation procedure. Folks should look for the new revision, it's well worth it.

  6. fantastic video! some old friends here. Ironsworn, combined with Delve, is still one of my favorites, for that general tone…but definitely need another resource for specific encounters with character – nice job

  7. Thanks for this. I've already got some of the books/resources you mentioned such as GUM and Untold Encounters, but I was looking for something else. I'm looking for something that can help flesh out kingdoms and stuff. Most books cover dungeons and settlements such as villages and cities, but not entire kingdoms. Any ideas if such a book exists? I have heard Table Fables, but not sure if that's what I need. In the meantime, I am liking the sound of Perilous Wilds and Sandbox Generator.

  8. Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions, they've really helped me with deciding what would be best to use for my own adventures ๐Ÿ™‚

    I wondered if you had any experience with the "Realm Fables: World Generator" books and if you think they would be worth getting to aid alongside your recommendations here? Thanks!!


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