Best Countries in The World in the Case of Nuclear War

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Which countries are safe in case of nuclear war? If the worst-case scenario was to happen where could you go in order to survive?

Today we are talking about the top safest countries, that will probably not be affected much in case of nuclear war.

How should you think about the safety?
The first thing you’ll need to consider is which country (or area of the world) is not likely to get attacked.
The second thing is the proximity to the place that is getting attacked, as this brings the danger of nuclear fallout.
The third thing to consider is food access and general security, access to power, and all other living conveniences of the modern life.

Here is our list of safest countries in the case of nuclear war:

– Antarctica (this is widely considered to be the safest place in case of nuclear attack, however we definitely don’t recommend this option)
– Easter Island
– Canada
– Iceland
– South African Republic
– Argentina
– New Zealand

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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27 thoughts on “Best Countries in The World in the Case of Nuclear War”

  1. Good primer on the topic.

    I think being in the southern hemisphere would be a crucial first step. The prevailing winds are likely to circulate very bad stuff throughout much of the northern hemisphere.

    I think you would also need to consider being somewhere that you're likely to fit in. Race. Language. Various beliefs. In such an event, most countries would become insular and untrusting of outsiders. Being able to blend in would be important.

    Physical safety would be key from, so making sure that you're not a target of the other (as Doug Casey might say) chimpanzees. I would not want to be anywhere with too large a population, or the chance for others to easily migrate there.

    From there it is the basics, water, food, shelter. Perhaps a way to earn income to keep these things coming into your life.

  2. The danger in South Africa is totally exaggerated! I know nobody personally that has been mugged or held at gunpoint. I live in Cape Town. Like any country one has to be streetwise and know which dangerous neighborhoods to avoid.

  3. In the event of nuclear war you won't be able to just jump on a plane and come here without a right so it will be tough bikkies… This country does not want mass immigration. So keep your plans in check. Also the billionaire bunker thing is very likely an urban legend. I live in rural NZ. People can't just go digging big holes without council approval and the whole community knowing about it. And so far, not one has been substantiated.

  4. The only people safe in a WWIII scenario are those that are prepared and with guns, ammo, water, food, strong shelter. Any shortage of food or water and people will go insane; only the people that are well armed and have organize groups will survive. Anything more than a small nuclear conflict, and nobody will live long with the sky on fire for years.

  5. Fun video about a scary topic. Love it.

    I would think if there is a nuclear war the last thing you would be worried about is Argentina’s debt situation or currency. Lol

    NZ is the best choice.

  6. It isn’t called the Shakey Islands for nothing. Recently people died when the White Island volcano suddenly erupted. Remember the devastating Christchurch earthquake and before that in 1886 the massive destruction of Mt Tarawera near Rotuturua. The next volcano to erupt was expected was predicted to be the capital, Wellington.
    Australia might be safer.

  7. But what if you only have 24 hours left? So 5/7 might be too far. Same for Island. Where to get a fast flight to I? So the most realistic destination would be Canada. But what if the plane lands in Vancouver and you don't have the time to travel to the countryside anymore…. Questions after questions…

  8. I was living in Ukraine for 3 years, then Russians invaded, then travelled, then went back to USA to apply for Portuguese or Spanish residence visa, changed my mind, then went back to Poland(?)😦

  9. 1 Simple Answer! Anywhere in Southern Hemisphere…. South America #1, as it's furthest away from any likely epicenter & fallout. Water/air are separated from from Northern hemisphere too, which provides added protection against any pollution from war. There's also no reason for any aspects of the next war to be down there.

  10. Fallout can definitely be huge. My wife was a Chernobyl baby. Her mom was pregnant with her in Yugoslavia when the nuclear plant blew in Ukraine. They were pretty far from the actual disaster but the fallout caused many of the pregnant women in the area to miscarry at the time. That fallout can drift a long ways. If a nuclear war were to happen, it would most likely happen in the Northern Hemisphere. With that, I'd say almost anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere would be pretty safe from fallout due to atmospheric circulations. Air from the North just doesn't really mix a whole lot with air from the South.


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