Best and Worst Bird Deterrent Methods

Affiliate links: Motion sprinkler: Organza bags: Inflatable tube man: …


22 thoughts on “Best and Worst Bird Deterrent Methods”

  1. Great video, I appreciate that your not using click bate or lies to scam people in any of your videos. Now your birds are gonna have a complete diet with fruit and nuts…hehe. It sucks but I found pulling the apricots off the tree earlier then letting them ripen on the counter works really good they still taste great. I just plated 13 mulberry trees, hopefully it'll be enough to share. I live in southern Nevada, so growing is even harder than Arizona out here. Thanks again.

  2. Just in time! Perfect info! You just got a new subscriber! Setting up the motion activated sprinkler I forgot I had! I'm not giving away my first crop of apricots! Thinned crop, perfect conditions, sparrows and finches watching…..
    Whew! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  3. The main thing I see are birds, panting, which is a sign of thirst in my experience repackage your fruit because they sense moisture birds, eat bugs, seeds I’ll give you that, but I think the main reason why birds packet fruit is because it’s hot as hell and you’re thirsty, so leave water around your plants of trees And I bet you that will solve the problem you put food out that’s just gonna attract more birds my opinion my experience just saying

  4. You can also just grow a ton of multi headed sunflowers. They love them. Maybe even try different varieties if sunflowers. It’s definitely a distraction (but they will eventually still get some of your fruits … because the fruits taste good


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