Berserked and other pitched; Issues with RNG reliant systems | MapleStory Reboot Highlights

As always.. pitched boss drops are the main source of fun and enjoyment in this game. Complete with rant about gaming in general πŸ˜€

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22 thoughts on “Berserked and other pitched; Issues with RNG reliant systems | MapleStory Reboot Highlights”

  1. I've boomed 3 berserkeds trying to go 21, my 3rd one boomed first tap 17->18 star catching. This event 3 of my arcanes boomed 1-2 taps then I boomed 7 more spares. The destruction system is stupid.

  2. Star force is legitimately the absolute worst system I’ve ever seen in any game ever.
    I haven’t seen something so shit in WoW, Tera, fuckin Wizard 101
    You name an MMO, you think of the WORST wow systems
    Nothing compares to star forcing.

  3. Im scared of this part of the game, just got 17 star 2L abso cra and superiors last night hitting 30k stat on my DW, they gotta fix that booming system. It just feels bad if they change it or something in the future all them boomed items are for naught.

  4. Not even trolling: I didn’t star catch for all of my CRA to reach 21*. I have also boomed more than 15 items, including my hyper burn’s Abso wep and spare, and spent more than 13b (all of my money). The fact that this game can make you LOSE progression, for the sake of progressing further into this game, is bullshit. They should remove item destruction from this game. I feel like a good compromise would be make it more expensive to get things past 20* and to allow safeguard past 17*. Make a system where you can add more success chance in exchange for more meso. For example, like an extra 5% for double the meso. Its shit like this that makes players quit because they never reach the end game.

  5. I don't mind some degree of rng involved, it's when they start stacking that it gets stupid. You shouldn't have an item that takes months to get on average also be almost guaranteed to blow up.

  6. yeah. it is tough.
    i've heard kms reboot got a lil bit more popular since revamp updates but i guess it's still not that popular for nexon to listen to player feedback.
    or maybe kms reboot players don't complain all that much about it.
    either way gms is out of this equiation. we can complain 24/7 nobody cares. unless it's a gamebreaking bug or something

  7. I spent 45 minutes just clicking the enhance button on my CRA pants to get it from 10 -> 15 star. Like, why? I have 45b why are they time gating me from enhancing? Why is there a cooldown on starcatcher? Forget about the resource cost, why is there so much time wasting for this system to begin with? My whole time spent SFing (not playing the game) was appx 11 hours andI swear 75% of that time was spent either waiting on starcatcher cooldown or mashing the OK button to reach 15 stars.

    I do think RNG is a system that, while isnt fun itself, leads to more fun later on due to constantly adjusting/changing player objectives, but there absolutely is a point where it gets too much in the way of that final outcome that it defeats any "fun" gains it wouldve led to. Adding in mercy systems to save time and prevent people from falling out of the bottom holes of bad luck is definitely a good idea for player retention and investment. Its really sad to know that people are way better in the game than me are still far behind me simply because luck and time said otherwise.

  8. If they want gear progression to take a long amount of time, why don’t they just change their system to something like: bosses always drop items that you use to craft the gear or, an achievement based thing: kill a boss a certain amount of time to get the item? I’m a relatively new player and already almost want to quit to save myself from the late game horrors that I witness from youtubers and streamers and that’s really sad. The fact that booming an item isn’t beneficial in some way to the next time that you star force that same item is insane. The progression in this game looks pretty terrible and it’s deterring me from spending more money and time.

  9. the rng drop is fine, but it should be like gollux and akechi where you get coins to buy the items alongside the rng drop too

    starforce should be reworked too and there are multiple ways to do it, but something you need to keep in mind is a system that allows for eternal mesos dumping into the equips that makes the player feel good too

  10. In a way we have to thank Nexon for giving young people a chance to experience the life of a gambler addict who works 8 to 10 hour days to save up money just to blow it all in a casino and be left with nothing but emptiness, depression, and a will to do it one more time.

    This game placed gambling in every aspect, from Drops, SF, Cubes, to Flames. Farming? Bossing mules? The only difference between those and working at a McDonalds is that you are actually being a functional member of the society when you served someone a box of fat and cholesterol with a chance of stroke and heart attack.

    People say Sekiro is a hard game. It is. But nothing beats the feeling of practicing hours to defeat a strong foe. What you get at the end is a feeling of accomplishment and mastery. Comparing Sekiro to mushroom game, you clearly see why so many games are moving toward a gambling system. One is a piece of art that brings joy, the other is a commercial product built to suck the time and money out of it's players.

    Thank you Scardor, your videos really helped me progress in mushroom game with my addiction.

  11. Doubling the Safeguards cost from 17-18, and doubling again until 20, would be a decent compromise. 20 would be 'free' but cost at least 10 times more than currently


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