Bendy forgives Audrey and befriends her – Bendy And The Dark Revival (2022 4K)

Bendy And The Dark Revival (2022) – Bendy forgives Audrey for hurting him earlier in the game and teams up with her for the rest of the game. He’s a cute little fella! 4K 60FPS recorded on PC

Bendy and the Dark Revivalβ„’ is a first-person survival horror game and the much anticipated sequel to Bendy and the Ink Machineβ„’. Play as Audrey as she explores the depths of a curiously creepy animation studio that’s gone completely mad. Combat ink-tainted enemies, solve puzzles, and evade the ever-lurking Ink Demon while seeking your way back to the real world. You never know who or what is going to be around the next corner in this dilapidated realm of shadows and ink.


46 thoughts on “Bendy forgives Audrey and befriends her – Bendy And The Dark Revival (2022 4K)”

  1. It's impressive to see how far this game has went. I remember when it was just collecting items and trying to run from the ink monster only to fall into a trapdoor. The good ol' days.

    Also Bendy is so cute πŸ˜€

  2. Fun fact in this game there is actually 2 bendy don’t think that you befriend the ink demon the bendy that you talk to is the nice bendy but he gets his powers taken away and he’s sucked into the ink demon

  3. I ship the ink demon 😈/ bendy with Audrey. Not sure why but I am loving, the connection between them, Audrey is The ink demon/bendy angel πŸ˜‡. In a way they were meant to be and we're basically made for each other. It would be cool if bendy keeps the deep darkness voice when telepathically speaking to Audrey. Think about it.
    Audrey: Good morning Bendy.
    Bendy speak telepathically to Audrey (* deep voice *). mmmm g-mornnningg * yawn *
    Audrey: I made your favorite bacon soup with a side of pancakes πŸ₯ž.
    Bendy telepathically speak (*deep voice*): yaaaassss! Thank youuu Audrey, I love youuu.
    Audrey: I love you most.
    In my mind that sounds hell a adorable, super cute. Especially if Bendy only turns scary to protect Audrey from danger.

  4. The concept of "perfection" is one either starts out as perfect, or imperfect, but one can become perfect. But showing the Ink Demon can truly become a Perfect Bendy under the right conditions shows that perfection is irrelevant and everyone has it inside them, their just truly bad or angry souls that keep them from becoming perfect.

  5. It’s my theory that Joey actually killed the child of one of his workers,a family member or just some random child and stuffed their body into the ink machine to create a perfect Bendy.


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