Ben Hodges: "Surprise Begins!" Nobody Knew This Would Happen In Ukraine | Russian Forces Shocked!

Retired General Ben Hodges gave an interview discussing the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. He believes that Ukraine has the potential to outlast Russian forces due to its understanding of the terrain and fighting style. Hodges also emphasizes the importance of liberating Crimea to secure Ukraine’s safety and enable economic growth. He advocates for the use of new technology and the development of new capabilities to aid Ukraine in the conflict. Hodges stresses that any negotiations with Russia should have compliance protocols in place and that tactical nuclear weapons would only lead to catastrophic consequences.

Ben Hodges: “Surprise Begins!” Nobody Knew This Would Happen In Ukraine | Russian Forces Shocked!


13 thoughts on “Ben Hodges: "Surprise Begins!" Nobody Knew This Would Happen In Ukraine | Russian Forces Shocked!”

  1. Ukraine has to liberate Crimea and NATO needs to make Ukraine a member as soon as that happens. Then Putin's Russia will finally leave them alone and move on to bully some other country.

  2. The view that Russia would receive no advantage from the utilization of nukes is dangerously naïve. The most obvious use is a decapitation strike against Kiev. If the entire Ukrainian governmental and military elite were destroyed the entire war is reset with the ultimate outcome impossible to predict. Only uncertainty as to NATO's response to such a strike has prevented this from already occurring. If Putin gets desperate, such a strike becomes likely.

  3. why in the world are you repeating what Hodges said verbatim? If you could not understand it the first time said by the man himself. Then how do you expect anyone else to get it from you saying what he said almost to the cadence? It makes no sense. I mean toss in shit or biatch or something to make it new.

  4. F16's may be nice. but the decisive factor may be the huge number of Russians who have had a training course in how much the 'powers that be' value them, and how to kill without compunction. Many will see the Kremlin as the enemy.

  5. Perhaps “TheRUS” sums up more appropriately, the origin of this Modern Nation;ie there is no indication of their being ANY ancient nation. Calling Them “Russian” suggests that
    They are one continuous and harmonious nation and that simply not true. Most of their state provinces are in fact differing Caucasian Mountain Tribes, the latter having been conquered, and while in “Russia”, to be treated as subservients. Witness the Ukrainian War for accurate witness of this treatment, often being cheated out of or deprived of;
    wages, foodstuffs, fresh clothing or bedding, even ammunition; reserved for native “Russian” tribes.


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